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A minimal toy application for demo and testing purposes. It can serve as a reference implementation of current best practices in the project (mirroring the DEEP template).

This demo module implements:

  • dummy inference, ie. we return the same inputs we are fed. If some input is not fed we generate a default one.
  • dummy training, ie. we sleep for some time and output some random monitoring metrics.

Samples for media files are provided in ./data.

When you do a PREDICT inference call, the output will be formatted depending on the accept value you provided:

  • application/json: you will receive a JSON response
  • application/zip: you will receive the output packed as a ZIP file
  • image/*: you will receive an image as output

Any other format is supported, though we only demonstrate these ones in this demo module.


To launch it, first install the package then run deepaas:

git clone
cd ai4os-demo-app
pip install -e .
deepaas-run --listen-ip


This module tries to enforce best practices by using Black to format the code.

For an optimal development experience, we recommend installing the VScode extensions Black and Format on Auto Save. Their configurations are automatically included in the .vscode folder. This will format the code during the automatic saves, though you can force formatting with CTRL + Shift + I (or CTRL + S to save).

To enable them only for this repository: after installing, click Disable, then click Enable (workspace).

In the Black global settings, we also recommend setting black-formatter.showNotification = off.

Project structure

├── Dockerfile             <- Describes main steps on integration of DEEPaaS API and
│                             ai4os_demo_app application in one Docker image
├── Jenkinsfile            <- Describes basic Jenkins CI/CD pipeline (see .sqa/)
├── LICENSE                <- License file
├──              <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── .sqa/                  <- CI/CD configuration files
├── ai4os_demo_app    <- Source code for use in this project.
│   │
│   ├──        <- Makes ai4os_demo_app a Python module
│   │
│   ├──             <- Main script for the integration with DEEPaaS API
│   │
│   └──            <- Misc functions that were helpful accross projects
├── data/                  <- Folder to store the data
├── models/                <- Folder to store models
├── tests/                 <- Scripts to perfrom code testing
├── metadata.json          <- Defines information propagated to the AI4OS Hub
├── requirements.txt       <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
│                             generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├── requirements-test.txt  <- The requirements file for running code tests (see tests/ directory)
└──, setup.cfg    <- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so
                              ai4os_demo_app can be imported