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An HTTP/1.1 server library for the Zig programming language

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ZExpress Web Server

An HTTP/1.1 server library for the Zig programming language. It is designed with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, The library uses the Chain of Responsibility design pattern, which allows for a dynamic chain of handlers to process requests.


The Zig build system has the concept of modules, which are other source files written in Zig. Let’s make use of a module.

From a new folder, run the following commands.

zig init-exe
git clone ./src/libs/

Your directory structure should be as follows.

├── build.zig
└── src
    ├── libs
    │   ├──
    │   └── zexpress
    │       ├── index.zig
    │       └── lib
    │           ├── req.zig
    │           ├── res.zig
    │           ├── server.zig
    │           └── shared.zig
    └── main.zig

5 directories, 8 files

To your newly made build.zig, add the following lines.

const zexpress = b.addModule("zexpress", .{ .source_file = .{ .path = "src/libs/zexpress/index.zig" } });
exe.addModule("zexpress", zexpress);

Now when run via zig build, @import inside your main.zig will work with the string “zexpress”. This means that main has the zexpress package.

Place the following inside your main.zig and run zig build run.

const std = @import("std");
const zexpress = @import("zexpress");

var STORAGE: std.AutoHashMap(u64, u8) = undefined;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    STORAGE = std.AutoHashMap(u64, u8).init(allocator);

    const app = try zexpress.Server.init(allocator, .{ .reuse_port = true });
    defer app.deinit();

    try app.use("/users", .{ .middlewares = &.{getMiddleware}, .handler = getHandler });
    // TODO: Name it set until the implementation of methods routers.
    try app.use("/users/set", .{ .middlewares = &.{setMiddleware}, .handler = setHandler });

    try app.listen(8080, errorHandler);

const UserModel = struct { userId: u64, health: u8 };

fn errorHandler(err: anyerror, req: *zexpress.Req, res: *zexpress.Res) void {
    _ = req;

    // Has the responsibility to handle all errors.
    switch (err) {
         else => |errValue| {
            const errName = @errorName(errValue);
            const message = std.mem.replaceOwned(u8, res.allocator, errName, "_", " ") catch unreachable;

            _ = res.json(.{ .status = res.status.toNumber(), .message = message }) catch unreachable;

fn setMiddleware(req: *zexpress.Req, res: *zexpress.Res) !void {
    if (req.method != .POST) {
        _ = res.setStatus(.Not_Found);
        return error.Not_Found;

    const body = try req.bodyAs(*const UserModel);

    if ( > 100) {
        _ = res.setStatus(.Bad_Request);
        return error.health_should_be_less_than_or_eql_100;

fn setHandler(req: *zexpress.Req, res: *zexpress.Res) !void {
    const body = try req.bodyAs(*const UserModel);

    try STORAGE.put(body.userId,;

    _ = try res.setStatus(.Ok).json(.{ .message = "The health was successfully stored." });

fn getMiddleware(req: *zexpress.Req, res: *zexpress.Res) !void {
    if (req.method != .GET) {
        _ = res.setStatus(.Not_Found);
        return error.Not_Found;

fn getHandler(req: *zexpress.Req, res: *zexpress.Res) !void {
    // It's optional to run the deinit method.
    var list = std.ArrayList(UserModel).init(req.allocator);

    var usersIter = STORAGE.iterator();

    while ( |user| {
        try list.append(.{ .userId = user.key_ptr.*, .health = user.value_ptr.* });

    _ = try res.setStatus(.Ok).json(.{ .data = try list.toOwnedSlice() });


An HTTP/1.1 server library for the Zig programming language






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