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These examples written in Java demostrate different concepts of Kafka messaging, in a simple manner.

Motivation for these examples comes from Ryan Plant's Kafka course.

Code examples included here require a minimal setup, for which sequential instructions are mentioned in Setup section below. Please follow these instructions before running the code.

Examples are arranged by following topics:

Zookeeper setup

Zookeeper is required for co-ordination between Kafka brokers. We can setup a single instance zookeeper. But it is highly recommended to run multiple instances (replicated / quorum) of Zookeeper in production. Zookeeper installation is included in downloaded kafka distro. But a separate one downloaded one from Apache Zookeeper website can also be used.

Single Zookeeper Instance included in Kafka distro

Go to $KAFKA_HOME/bin, and execute:

./ ../config/

Zookeeper Quorum ( 3 instances)

Instructions to setup a quorum of ZK instances are given in Zookeeper Getting Started.

Expand zookeeper file downloaded from mirror, to a directory, and clone it 3 times. And create 3 corresponding data directories, whose location will be referred in zoo.cfg files of respective clones. Also create 3 myid files, each in corresponding data directory. Each of these myid dile will contain one of the numbers: 1, 2, or 3. As mentioned in the Starting Guide, create 3 different port pairs, and copy same to all 3 zoo.cfg files as well.

And then start each zookeeper instance one by one:

..../bin/ start

Basic Single-Partition Setup

  1. To use some advanced features (i.e. Schema Registry) of Kafka, we will use Confluent's distribution available in Download Center. Download and un-Tar the contents. Lets call this location as KAFKA_HOME, for the purpose of discussion here. This location has folders like bin/ and config/ inside.

  2. In console / terminal window go to KAFKA_HOME location, and execute following commands:

    1. Start zookeeper: ../config/
      • Wait for Zookeeper to start.
    2. Start Kafka broker/server: ../config/
  3. Create a Kafka topic topic_basic with single replica and single partition:

    • -zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic topic_basic --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1

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Multi-partition Setup for Consumer Group

Step# 2 above would start a single Zookeeper instance and a single Kafka broker, which is enough for barebones message production and consumption.

But for a more robust and fault-tolerant Kafka Setup, we need at least 3 replicas and 3 partitions of Kafka for single failover instance. [ Reason]

Create 2 partitions

Single partition can only attach to a single Kafka consumer in a group setting. So, lets start one more broker to support a Consumer Group with 2 consumers.

  • Each new broker instance needs its own file. So clone the existing config/ to, say, and change these parameters:
    • log.dirs to new log directoy (say /tmp/kafka-logs-1)
    • listeners to new port (say, 9093) Keep zookeeper connect port same as earlier.
  • Use following command, from bin folder, to start a Kafka replica synced to same zookeeper:
    • ../config/

Enable 2 Partitions for Topic to support Consumer Group

  • Use following command to increase replica count of topic, created ealier, to 2:

    • -zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --topic topic_basic --partitions 2
  • In the output log, we see there are 2 different thread ids and 2 different consumer ids, similar to these:

    [pool-1-thread-1] [consumer:0d86c38a-7936-4df8-9a88-92d947d6e087]

    [pool-1-thread-2] [consumer:e53155d8-c59b-4820-81e2-846e70cb2b9a]

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Setup for Schema Registry

In any messaging system, it is important to keep producers and consumers to agree on message schema. If a message enters messaging system that is not valid for a consuming application, it will add overhead on consumers to handle such invalid messages.

This point is stressed enough in Gwen Shapira's tech talk. Confluent provides a clean standardized solution for this in Schema Registry, which is shown by Schema Registry example code.

Most messaging and streaming systems use Avro, for reasons shared by Cloudera, and on Quora.

Please follow these steps for SchemaRegisteryDemo to work:

  • We use a different Topic for messages based on a particular schema:

Go to bin folder to create a new Kafka topic topic_schema with 2 partitions, while 2 kafka broker instances are running:

  • -zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic topic_schema --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2
  • Start Schema Registry

    Go to $KAFKA_HOME/bin, and execute:

    • schema-registry-start ../etc/schema-registry/

    This is the reason we need the Confluent's distribution of Kafka.

  • Compile Avro Schema (KafkaExampleMessage.avsc) to Java class:

    • mvn generate-sources

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