Managing and tracking emergency relief packages across cities, regions, and countries.
This project is designed to help local organizations and government institutions help track distribution of emergency relief packages along with their contents to ensure essential supplies are evenly distributed.
Create a Postgres database and add the PostGIS extension.
Create a
file to include the details for your Postgres instance and database and include the following:PGNAME= <db username> PGPASS= <db password> PGDB= <db name> PGPORT=5432
Install your dependencies
cd path/to/emergency-relief-tracker npm install
Start your app
npm start
Simply run npm test
and all your tests in the test/
directory will be run.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Feleg 💻 |
Naod Yeheyes 💻 |
AppLixir 🤔 📆 |
Sergio 🤔 📆 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!