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An efficient generator of functional digraphs (uniform outdegree 1) up to isomorphism, also called mapping patterns, finite (endo)functions, or finite dynamical systems; see sequence A001372 on the OEIS. It is also possible to only generate connected functional digraphs (sequence A002861 on the OEIS) with a command-line switch.

The basic usage of funkdigen2 is

funkdigen2 [-c] <SIZE>

where <SIZE> is the number of vertices, and the optional switch -c (also known as --connected) forces the generation of connected functional digraphs only.

funkdigen2 is, in principle, able to handle up to 255 vertices, but generating all those digraphs is likely to take about a hundred orders of magnitudes longer than the current (September 2024) age of the universe, at least on our test machine anyway.



Precompiled binaries for various machines are available on the Releases page.

If you want to build funkdigen2 yourself (or if a binary release is not available for your machine), you need a working Rust development environment; then just do a

cargo build --release

inside the directory where you have uncompressed the source code downloaded from the Releases page (or cloned this repository, if you want the latest changes). After compiling, the executable funkdigen2 (or funkdigen2.exe) will be found in the directory ./target/release.


Generate all functional digraphs up to isomorphism

Usage: funkdigen2 [OPTIONS] <SIZE>

  <SIZE>  Number of vertices

  -c, --connected  Only generate connected digraphs
  -i, --internal   Print internal representation instead of digraph6
  -l, --loopless   Remove self-loops before printing (digraph6 only)
  -q, --quiet      Count digraphs without printing them
  -b, --lcs        Use Booth's LCS algorithm for minimal rotations
  -h, --help       Print help
  -V, --version    Print version

Output formats and compatibility

The default output format for funkdigen2 is digraph6, which is essentially an ASCII encoding of the number of nodes followed by the adjacency matrix of the digraph:

$ funkdigen2 5   


47 digraphs generated in 194.67µs

This format is compatible with several of the gtools programs that come with the nauty & Traces distribution (also available, e.g., as the package nauty in the Ubuntu or Homebrew repositories). For instance, you can pipe the output of funkdigen2 into showg in order to get a human-readable representation by adjacency lists:

$ funkdigen2 5 | showg
47 digraphs generated in 157.13µs

Graph 1, order 5.
  0 : 0;
  1 : 1;
  2 : 2;
  3 : 3;
  4 : 4;


Graph 47, order 5.
  0 : 0;
  1 : 0;
  2 : 0;
  3 : 0;
  4 : 0;

With the command-line option -i (or --internal) you can also get the output in the internal funkdigen2 format, which is described in the paper itself (Definitions 1, 2 and 14, as well as in the examples); this is a bit faster and asymptotically smaller ($O(n \log n)$ vs quadratic space) but, since only funkdigen2 and its predecessor use this format, it is probably only useful if you are trying to understand how the algorithms work.

A functional digraph has zero or more (weakly) connected components consisting of a limit cycle with (rooted, unordered, directed) trees having their roots along this cycle. This is reflected by the isomorphism codes used internally:

  • The isomorphism code of a tree of $n$ nodes is the list of integer obtained by concatenating the list $[n]$ with the codes of its immediate subtrees, computed recursively, in lexicographic order. For instance, the almost-complete binary tree of 6 nodes has code [6, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1].
  • The code of a connected component is the lexicographically minimal rotation of the list of codes of its trees, in the order in which they appear along the limit cycle.
  • The code of a functional digraph is the list of codes of its components, sorted nondecreasingly according to the order in which the components are generated (by Algorithm 1 in the paper, which is neither lexicographic, nor “nice” to describe, unfortunately).

This is precisely the kind of output obtained when using the -i option:

$ funkdigen2 -i 5
[[[1]], [[1]], [[1]], [[1]], [[1]]]
[[[1]], [[1]], [[1]], [[1], [1]]]
[[[1]], [[1]], [[1]], [[2, 1]]]


[[[1], [4, 1, 1, 1]]]
[[[5, 4, 1, 1, 1]]]
[[[5, 1, 1, 1, 1]]]
47 digraphs generated in 325.38µs

Background and citing funkdigen2

The funkdigen2 generator is an implementation of the algorithms described in the paper

Oscar Defrain, Antonio E. Porreca, Ekaterina Timofeeva, Polynomial-delay generation of functional digraphs up to isomorphism, Discrete Applied Mathematics 357, 24–33, 2024,

which you can cite if you use this software or, more precisely, of the algorithms in a previous version of that paper (the reason is that a straightforward implementation of the final paper actually turns out to be slower in practice for digraphs with less than 256 vertices; hopefully a future, more efficient implementation can bridge the gap).

This software is a more efficient version of funkdigen, which is a proof-of-concept, straightforward Python implementation of these algorithms.

Comparison with geng + watercluster2

You can generate (more or less, see below) the same output as funkdigen2 by using the geng and watercluster2 tools from the nauty & Traces distribution.

For instance, the following command generates (essentially) all functional digraphs over 14 vertices:

geng -q 14 0:14 | watercluster2 o1 Z

More specifically, geng -q 14 0:14 generates all undirected graphs (so, without self-loops) over 14 vertices having between 0 and 14 edges. Then, watercluster2 o1 Z takes these graphs and makes them directed in every possible way, but restricting the outdegree of each vertex to 1 (option o1) and outputs the result in digraph6 format (option Z). The bound of 14 on the number of edges makes the generation faster, since any graph with more than 14 edges would be discarded by watercluster2 o1 anyway (thanks to Brendan McKay for pointing this out).

The digraphs obtained this way are all functional digraphs over 14 vertices up to isomorphism or, more precisely, in one-to-one correspondence with them, since all self-loops are missing: geng does not output undirected graphs with self-loops, so watercluster2 has nowhere to add them.

Precisely in order to compare its output with geng + watercluster2 for testing purposes, funkdigen2 has the (otherwise rather esoteric) command-line option -l (or --loopless), which removes all self-loops before printing the digraphs in digraph6 format.

However, before comparing the output, you must keep in mind that funkdigen2 and geng + watercluster2 generally choose different representatives for the same isomorphism class of digraphs, and furthermore they are not output in the same order.

Luckily, nauty & Traces come with the labelg tool, which outputs a canonical form of its input, and the standard command sort solves the ordering problem. Be sure to use the -S option for labelg, which switches to a sparse representation internally and, as a consequence, is much faster for functional digraphs. Finally, you can use the diff Unix command (fc on Windows) to check that both programs produce the same output:

geng -q 14 0:14 | watercluster2 o1 Z | labelg -S | sort > geng.txt
funkdigen2 -l 14 | labelg -S | sort > funkdigen2.txt
diff geng.txt funkdigen2.txt

If you want to only generate connected functional digraphs (modulo self-loops) of, say, 14 vertices with geng + watercluster2, the equivalent of the -c option of funkdigen2, the corresponding command-line is

geng -cq 14 13:14 | watercluster2 o1 Z

where the option -c of geng only outputs connected graphs, and the numerical range for the edges is 13 to 14 (rather than 0 to 14), since with less than 13 the graphs would be disconnected.

Performance comparison

Being tailored to functional digraphs, funkdigen2 is much faster at generating them than a way more general purpose combination of tools such as geng + watercluster2.

Here are a few experiments (with the default options and output redirected to /dev/null) run on a 2020 MacBook Air with an M1 processor (the versions are nauty & Traces 2.8.6 vs funkdigen2 1.0.0).

$n$ output
geng +
10 142 KiB   0.024 s  0.012 s
11 480 KiB   0.073 s  0.031 s
12 1.49 MiB   0.250 s  0.089 s
13 5.00 MiB   0.881 s  0.259 s
14 16.0 MiB   3.271 s  0.767 s
15 52.0 MiB  12.756 s  2.258 s
16 166 MiB  50.574 s  6.679 s
17 539 MiB 215.836 s 20.381 s
18 1.66 GiB 979.077 s 60.427 s


The funkdigen2 software is copyright © 2024 by Oscar Defrain, Antonio E. Porreca and Ekaterina Timofeeva, and its source code is distributed under the GNU GPL 3.0 license. The development has been partly funded by the French ANR projet FANs ANR-18-CE40-0002 (Foundations of Automata Networks).