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[Z Blog Getting Consul to run on Travis CI Server using Gradle so we can test consul integration tests]

Richard Hightower edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 1 revision

We were able to get our integration tests for consul to run in the Travis CI server.

First we define a new task and then check to see if the consul executable already exist.

    def execFile = new File(project.rootDir,

    def zipFile = new File(project.rootDir, '/tmp/consul/bin/')

Then we need to find the right OS. (We only build on Linux and Mac.)

    def linuxDist = ""
    def macDist = ""
    def zipURL = null

Create the parent folder to hold the zip and the bin.


        if (execFile.parentFile.exists()) {
            println("${execFile.parentFile} created" );

Then we see if we can find the type of OS. We only support 64 bit Linux, but as you can see, we could add more.

        if (System.getProperty("").contains("Mac OS X")) {
            zipURL = macDist
            println("On mac")
        } else {
            zipURL = linuxDist
            println("On linux")

            def osArc = System.getProperty("")
            def osName = System.getProperty("")
            def osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version")

            println("os.arc Operating system architecture\t\t $osArc")
            println(" Operating system name\t\t $osName")
            println("os.version Operating system version\t\t $osVersion")

There are lots of println(s) because who know where someone might try to run this.

Copy the zip file from the URL:

        new URL(zipURL).withInputStream{ i -> zipFile.withOutputStream{ it << i }}

        for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
            ant.sleep(seconds: 1)
            if (zipFile.exists()) {
            println("Waiting for download $zipURL" )

If the zip file exists, then unzip it, and change permissions so it is executable.

        if (zipFile.exists()) {

            println("${zipFile} ${zipFile.absoluteFile} ${zipFile.exists()} ${zipFile.size()}")

            ant.unzip(src: zipFile, dest: execFile.parentFile)

            ant.exec(command: "/bin/sh -c \"chmod +x ${execFile}\"")
        } else {
            println("Unable to create file $zipFile from $zipURL")

Lot's of debugging info.

Once we create the zip, unpack it, change permissions, then we can execute consul.

        if (!execFile.exists()) {

        ant.exec(command: "/bin/sh -c  \"${execFile}  \
                           agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul\"",
                spawn: true)

Pause for a bit to let consul run before we start our tests:

        for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
            ant.sleep(seconds: 1)
            ant.echo(message: "Waiting for consul $index")

The next trick was to wire this into the consul client subproject.

project('cluster:consul-client') {

    dependencies {
        compile project(":qbit:web:jetty")

    task runConsul(type: RunConsul) << {
        println 'task'


Here is the full task to RunConsul.

class RunConsul extends DefaultTask {

    def execFile = new File(project.rootDir,

    def zipFile = new File(project.rootDir, '/tmp/consul/bin/')

    def linuxDist = ""
    def macDist = ""
    def zipURL = null

    def findItUnpackIt() {


        if (execFile.parentFile.exists()) {
            println("${execFile.parentFile} created" );

        if (System.getProperty("").contains("Mac OS X")) {
            zipURL = macDist
            println("On mac")
        } else {
            zipURL = linuxDist
            println("On linux")

            def osArc = System.getProperty("")
            def osName = System.getProperty("")
            def osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version")

            println("os.arc Operating system architecture\t\t $osArc")
            println(" Operating system name\t\t $osName")
            println("os.version Operating system version\t\t $osVersion")

        new URL(zipURL).withInputStream{ i -> zipFile.withOutputStream{ it << i }}

        for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
            ant.sleep(seconds: 1)
            if (zipFile.exists()) {
            println("Waiting for download $zipURL" )

        if (zipFile.exists()) {

            println("${zipFile} ${zipFile.absoluteFile} ${zipFile.exists()} ${zipFile.size()}")

            ant.unzip(src: zipFile, dest: execFile.parentFile)

            ant.exec(command: "/bin/sh -c \"chmod +x ${execFile}\"")
        } else {
            println("Unable to create file $zipFile from $zipURL")


    void runIt() {

        if (!execFile.exists()) {

        ant.exec(command: "/bin/sh -c  \"${execFile}  agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul\"",
                spawn: true)

        for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
            ant.sleep(seconds: 1)
            ant.echo(message: "Waiting for consul $index")




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