❄️ Add a live frosted glass blur effect over any type of web content, including text. ️️

npm install frosted-glass --save
- Add a script tag in the head of your index.html
<script src='node_modules/frosted-glass/dist/frostedglass.js'></script>
- Add a
element - Add a child
element that should have a blur effect applied
<div class="nav-content">Nav content</div>
- specifies the blur amount appliedoverlay-color
- adds an overlay on top of the blur
- ensures that edges get blurred by stretching the container dimentions by 5%
<frosted-glass-container stretch="true">
<frosted-glass blur-amount="5px" overlay-color="#ffffff52"></frosted-glass>
frosted-glass is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.