🔬⚗️ Fullstack Alchemist | 💻 Tech Junkie | 🌍 Obsessive Learner
I'm a passionate fullstack developer with a love for crafting scalable web applications and exploring new technologies. With a solid foundation in both frontend and backend development, I enjoy creating seamless user experiences and solving complex problems.
![Typescript Typescript](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/typescript/typescript.png)
- 🌱 Learning: Diving into Linux Bash Scripting and Docker to enhance my backend efficiency and containerization skills.
- 🚀 Projects: Currently working on a cool anime website for fans who want to skip filler episodes. Check it out here
- 🌍 Portfolio: TheRealTaku
Feel free to fork and star my repos if you find them useful! 🌟