Group project for Deep Learning Class- CMPE 258
Group Members:-
Aditya Sahu
Divyam Sobti
Prerna Shekar Bharadwaj
Shashank Sharma
Tensorflow 2.10.0
Python 3.7.16
opencv 4.6.0
numpy 1.21.5
keras 2.10.0
scikit-learn 1.0.2
All other requirements are mentioned in requirements.txt file
In order to train the model, we have developed the code file “”. This file is responsible for training the model which is under the ‘training’ folder.
In order to run the model, we have developed the code file “”. This file takes input as a video file path and performs Lane Detection.
i) Download the dataset, full_CNN_train.p and full_CNN_labels.p files from the below google drive link:-
ii) Execute the code through the below command.
iii) Once the code runs, the model is saved as a CNN_model.h5 file. This model is used for detecting the lanes in file.
i) For executing the program, pass “video_path” as parameter during running the program using the following command:-
python --input video_path
ii) Once the program is run, the file is saved as Output1.mp4