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Build OpenCV and PCL libraries from source.
git clone
cd path/to/SfM-3DReconstruction
cmake .
The input images are present in test images
folder. The images are taken from different viewpoints of a scene.
The features are detected in each image using the AKAZE Detector
and features are matched for each pair of image using FLANN Based Matcher
Final Image of Reconstruction(pointclouds)
Expected Reconstruction(3D triangular meshes)
The expected output is optimal as it has bundle adjustment
integrated as well as the the point clouds are made denser by converting pointclouds to meshes.
: Integrate bundle adjustment and make the final reconstruction denser.
The first step in the SfM pipeline is Feature Matching
where we find and match the features between each pair of images which is later used to find the relative transformation between the images. In the second step, we estimate motion
between the images and triangulate
the matched points in 3D space. The major functions used in this step are cv::findEssentialMat
, cv::recoverPose
and cv::triangulatePoints