- create an empty mysql database
- cd to the bin folder of mysql in terminal and use the command
mysql -u root -p "password" db_name < database.sql(with the absolute path);
to clone the database details to your database - cd to the folder with this repo
- create a .env and add the following to it:
- PORT -> set it to what port you want to run the server on (I used 3000)
- DB_USER -> set this to the username for database, I used root user
- DB_PASS -> set this to the password for the user in database
- DB_HOST -> set it to ''
- DATABASE -> "library" (or update database name in mysql and keep it whatever you want)
- SALT_ROUNDS -> set it to how many rounds of salting you want while encrypting passwords
- JWT_SECRET -> set it to the JWT secret you want
- use
npm start
(default admin is username='abc' and password='123456789' if you import my database)