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scanpi - Web interface for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)

Scan documents in your local network with a Raspberry Pi. Scanpi allows your devices at home to access your old scanner via web browser.

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The build process supports cross platform compilation. To set the target architecture add the argument ARCH with the value when calling make. Supported architectures:

  • amd64
  • i386
  • armhf
  • arm64
make ARCH=armhf


After building the package you can install the package using dpkg command.

# dpkg -i scanpi_1.0.0_armhf.deb

The service starts automatically after installing. The service will start after reboot.


The service can be configured modifying the file /etc/opt/scanpi.conf. You have to restart the service to apply the new configuration.


You can control the service using systemd. To start the service:

# systemctl start scanpi

To stop the service:

# systemctl stop scanpi

To restart the service:

# systemctl restart scanpi