A modal plugin for your web @ Antonio de la Mata López @ 2016
tpr.modal-plugin is a plugin that uses jQuery and born in
order to give the programmer a completely customizable modal
in every sense. This component allows a large number of configurations
that can be set in instantiation time or post-instantiation.
The main idea by the tpr.modal-plugin was designed is give to the
programmer a componente that have a good API for mutate the modal
behaviour in any time and when is necessary. Is by that that tpr.modal-plugin
is very flexible and usable in any frame or context.
For use tpr.modal-plugin only is necessary importing jquery library in our project.
# Javascript
The plugin is designed to work only with logic and not quite touch anything of
styles, the plugin code does not modify or create any CSS property to any of the
HTML blocks the modal uses. This implies that is delegated to CSS full responsibility
for the display of modal.
That is, we are totally separating the modal logic of their way to be. This does not
meet the vast majority of plugins of any kind and we think that is a good starting
point for designing our plugin.
In any case only a number of CSS properties that are required to add much needed
modal behavior are used, but does not work with any "structural" or "visual" style.
The style modal display is determined by the CSS, as is obvious. However in the
component we prefer to distinguish between structural and visual styles. Structural
styles are styles that modify the dimensional shape of the modal, ie sizes, paddings,
margins, etc. However visual styles change more visual properties such as color, font
sizes, etc.
Why do we do this ?, because separating the styles in this way we can create a generic
styles for the shape of modal so not to repeat any of (structural) code and on the other
hand you can create color templates that modify the modal simply by changing the CSS class
and pass the (visual) plugin.
# Structural styles
As we discussed the CSS properties that are some structural consider as position, margin,
padding, etc. Here is an example:
[class^=tpr-modalbox-] {
position: relative;
width: 30%;
Actually these properties affect only the root class of all modal, ie the class
# Visualization styles
A display style would therefore be as follows:
tpr-modalbox-grey {
border: 1px solid lightgrey;
background: white;
border-radius: 2px;
# Create a new theme for our modal
With this separation we can easily create new color schemes for our modal. How ?, easy, all
you have to do is in our CSS file to create a class that is called something like tpr-modalbox-"ournewcolor".
Example tpr-modalbox-yellow.
And then go create visual styles that change colors, font size, etc.
/* My yellow theme (Default)*/
.tpr-modalbox-yellow {
border: 1px solid yellow;
background: white;
border-radius: 2px;
.tpr-modalbox-yellow .tpr-modal-topbar {
background: yellow;
.tpr-modalbox-yellow .tpr-modal-morebox {
background: grey;
color: lightgrey;
/* My yellow theme (Default)*/
And then you only need to pass it to the constructor of modal when it is
instantiated in the parameter "styleclass". Example:
var modal = new TPRMODAL({
styleclass : "tpr-modalbox-yellow",
title : "Warning",
message : "Warning!"
# closable
Type Boolean
Description This property indicate whether the modal can be closed with the upper-righ cross.
# styleclass
Type String
Description This property indicate which is the class of our css that will be applied.
This is the class that the modal will use to apply cascading styles. If you look at
the file tpr.modal-plugin.css in the css folder, you will notice that the fundamental
styles are applied on css root selectors "tpr-modalbox-",
which we call structural styles, since they are styles that only modify the position,
Margins, etc. If we continue below, we can see that there is a class called "tpr-modalbox-gray",
it is this class that provides the visual styles: colors, fonts,
etc. There may be as many "tpr-modalbox-anything" as you would like to modify the
visual styles. For example, we might have a "tpr-modalbox-network" to create error manners or
incorrect data. For this we would have to create in our styles the class previously exposed
and then begin to modify the styles of the inheritance. For example: .tpr-modalbox-red.tpr-modal-topbar {background: red: color: white;} would paint the top bar of the modal red and white text.
# backlayer
Type Boolean
Description Determine whether the modal has a div behind or is being inserted directly in the body element.
# closeoutclick
Type Boolean
Description Determines whether the modal closes when a click is detected outside of it.
# moreinfo
When we want or need show more info but we dont want that the modal grow excessively is a good idea insert
all text inside of More info box. This box is hidden by default but the user can see a button whit the text
"More info" (by default, is editable) and when the user click on it then the box state pass to show and the
user can see all text now.
# state
Type Boolean
# message
Type String
Description Hidden text
# buttontext
Type String
Description More info button text
Default More info
# buttons
Determines buttons inside of modal. You can add custom buttons.
# accept
Type Object|false
Description Default accept button
Default Object
# text
# class
# cancel
Type Object|false
Description Default cancel button
Default Object
# text
# class
# close
Type Object|false
Description Default close button
Default Object
# text
# class
# title
Type String
Description The top title of the modal
Default Default title
# message
Type String
Description The message shown on the modal
Default Default message
# messageExplain
Type String
Description The More info box text
Default Default message
# setTitle(title)
Set modal title
# setMessage(message)
Set modal message
# setMessageExplain(explain)
Set modal explain message
# setMoreinfoState(state)
Show or hide 'More info' button
# setMoreinfoButtonText(text)
Set 'More info' button text
# setStyle(styleClass)
Set modal style
# setClosable(closable)
Sets whether the modal is curable. button cross at the top right of the modal
and the event closing the modal click when it is removed out of hiding.
# show()
Show modal
# hide()
Hide modal
# setButtons(buttons)
Set buttons
# Events oriented
The plugin now works with events instead of callbacks. That is, for each button that appears
on the modal you can add a listener for an event with the same name of the button
buttons {
accept : {
otherbutton : {
modal.on ('accept', function () {
modal.on ('otherbutton', function () {
# Create method _insertChilds
Before _insertChild existed to add a child element on another parent element,
the modal used the appen method of jquery. This call to that method has been
simplified by crushing the _insertChilds method which does the same but removing
the ugly append. This method receives two parameters, the parent and either a
child element, or an array of child elements.