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Mandelbrot set topology

How to read informations from images ?

How to describe hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set ? ( escpecially island )

  • period of main pseudocardioid
  • center of main pseudocardioid
  • window ( radius and center) of parameter plane
  • angles of external rays that land on cusp of the pseudocardiod
  • size of main pseudocardioid
  • orientation
  • distortion

To do

For each island:

  • find period
  • find center of component ( nucleus) = pseudocardioid_nucleus
  • find shape ( psudocircle or pseudocardioid)
  • find cusp of pseudocardioid = pseudocardioid_cusp
  • find root point between 2 main componnents = pseudocardioid_root_half
  • find center of second component ( nucleus) = second_bulb_nucleus
  • compute distortion of the island

Example islands

Here are few examples of islands.

#define kMax 21 // number of examples, see plane_examples

//plane : plane_center_x,  		plane_center_y,  		plane_radius, 		period

double plane_examples[kMax][4] = {
	{-0.4,				+0.0,				0.8,			1}, // k = 0
	{+0.29254,			-0.01497, 			0.00015,		16}, 
	{-1.763,  			+0.0,				0.016,			3}, 
	{-0.15842, 			+1.03335, 			0.008,			4},  
	{+0.358431,			+0.643507,			0.005,			5},  
	{+0.442990,			+0.374,				0.003,			6},  
	{+0.432259,			+0.2275,			0.002,			7}, 
	{+0.404879,			+0.146216,			0.0015,			8}, 
	{+0.378631,			+0.098841,			0.001,			9}, 
	{+0.356854, 			+0.069659,			0.0007,			10},
	{+0.339454,			+0.050823,			0.0005,			11}, // k = 10
	{+0.325631,			+0.038164,			0.0005,			12},
	{+0.260270,		 	+0.00167,			0.00002, 		32 },
	{+0.2524945,			+0.0001973,			0.0000025,		64},
	{+0.25061329,			+0.00002399,			0.0000003,		128},
	{+0.250151979,			+0.000002959,			0.000000036,		256},
	{+0.250037823,			+0.0000003673,			0.000000004,		512}, 
	{+0.2500094342,			+0.000000045694786520646,	0.0000000005,		1024}, //
	{+0.25000235583,		+5.701985912706845832e-09,	0.00000000007,		2048}, // 
	{+0.2500005886144,		+0.0000000007122,		0.0000000000083,	4096}, //
	{+2.500001471109009610e-01,	+8.897814201389663379e-11,	1.1e-12,		8192}  //  long time 

Period 1

peroid = 1 = whole Mandelbrot set ( using LastIterarion method with interior detection)

Here unknown pixels are marked by red big pixels. They are boundary points.

With important points: pseudocardioid_nucleus, pseudocardioid_cusp, pseudocardioid_root_half, second_bulb_nucleus

Here distortion angle = 0.0000000000000070 ( it is = 0, the number 7 on the penultimate position is numerical error)

Period 16 island

Here are 2 main components : period 16 pseudocardioid and period 2*16 pseudocircle. Note that the image differs from that computed with LastIteration method ( above). The components are smaller and do not touch in root points

Here is the comparison using ImageMagic ( see bash file)

Here is a comparison between boundaries of LastIterarion method and Period method. The difference is big. It was caused by to low value of iMax = 2000; ( see function GivePeriodByIteration line 676 )

After increasing iMax (10 000 and 50 000) ( and orbit[OrbitLength]; // length(orbit) = iMax + 1 ) new image looks better


  • important points: pseudocardioid_nucleus, pseudocardioid_cusp, pseudocardioid_root_half, second_bulb_nucleus
  • 2 axis, one thru pseudocardioid_nucleus and pseudocardioid_cusp, second thru pseudocardioid_nucleus and pseudocardioid_root_half
  • distorsion angle is denoted with arc

Here distortion angle = 10.2217850853740675 degrees = 0.0283938474593724 turns = 585.6651445133592233 radians

Period 3

Period 3 island looks like whole Mandelbrot set

With important points, axes and distortion angle

Here distortion angle = 0.0000000000000066 degrees = 0.0000000000000000 turns = 0.0000000000003803 radians ( it is = 0, the numbers on the penultimate and last positions are numerical errors)

Period 4

Here distortion angle = 3.1678661702170463 degrees = 0.0087996282506029 turns =

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7

Period 8

Period 9

Period 10

Period 11

Period 12

Period 32

Period 64

Period 128

Period 256

Period 512

Period 1024

Period 2048

Period 4096

Period 8192


Period 1	nucleus = +0.0000000000000000 +0.0000000000000000	distortion angle = 0.0000000000000070 degrees = 0.0000000000000000 turns = 0.0000000000004020 radians 		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 1.0000000000000000 
Period 3	nucleus = -1.7548776662466927 +0.0000000000000000	distortion angle = 0.0000000000000066 degrees = 0.0000000000000000 turns = 0.0000000000000001 radians 		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0185291524676852  
Period 4 	nucleus = -0.1565201668337551 +1.0322471089228318	distortion angle = 3.1678661702170463 degrees = 0.0087996282506029 turns = 0.0552896949298424 radians	 	island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0082966360777899  
Period 5 	nucleus = +0.3592592247580074 +0.6425137371385423	distortion angle = 4.9405365983730638 degrees = 0.0137237127732585 turns = 0.0862286304522303 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0047414665489602 
Period 6 	nucleus = +0.4433256333996235 +0.3729624166628465	distortion angle = 6.1617377889422356 degrees = 0.0171159383026173 turns = 0.1075426120557851 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0029786183826876   
Period 7 	nucleus = +0.4323761926419945 +0.2267599044353486	distortion angle = 7.0832512125542779 degrees = 0.0196756978126508 turns = 0.1236260553982713 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0019783278097542  
Period 8 	nucleus = +0.4048996651751222 +0.1458203637665893	distortion angle = 7.8032252414405772 degrees = 0.0216756256706683 turns = 0.1361919727305068 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0013689191712135   
Period 9 	nucleus = +0.3786081241329295 +0.0985580111183820	distortion angle = 8.3732692725677360 degrees = 0.0232590813126882 turns = 0.1461411179544790 radians	 	island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0009793927717717  
Period 10 	nucleus = +0.3568172484923120 +0.0694528654668303	distortion angle = 8.8278041145438362 degrees = 0.0245216780959551 turns = 0.1540742475115654 radians	 	island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0007208567191598
Period 11 	nucleus = +0.3394108199955985 +0.0506682851626426	distortion angle = 9.1924920908597691 degrees = 0.0255347002523882 turns = 0.1604392534403695 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0005437231668462  
Period 12 	nucleus = +0.3255895095506603 +0.0380478809347557	distortion angle = 9.4870876692376047 degrees = 0.0263530213034378 turns = 0.1655809162446018 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0004189608583239  
Period 16	nucleus = +0.2925037532341934 -0.0149250689983438	distortion angle = 10.2217850853740675 degrees = 0.0283938474593724 turns = 0.1784038051613850 radians 		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0001743936505473  
Period 32 	nucleus = +0.2602618199285007 +0.0016677913209265	distortion angle = 10.9845361225518747 degrees = 0.0305126003404219 turns = 0.1917163221324199 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000205403237492
Period 64 	nucleus = +0.2524934589775105 +0.0001971526796077	distortion angle = 11.1719775049860850 degrees = 0.0310332708471836 turns = 0.1949877914102099 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000024544115792 
Period 128 	nucleus = +0.2506132008410751 +0.0000239693264251	distortion angle = 11.2171220053156571 degrees = 0.0311586722369879 turns = 0.1957757115800861 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000002990710383  
Period 256 	nucleus = +0.2501519680089798 +0.0000029549623259	distortion angle = 11.2283621916479994 degrees = 0.0311898949768000 turns = 0.1959718898401125 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000368869447  
Period 512 	nucleus = +0.2500378219137853 +0.0000003668242053	distortion angle = 11.2312909069159588 degrees = 0.0311980302969888 turns = 0.1960230055643890 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000045794813  
Period 1024 	nucleus = +0.2500094340031834 +0.0000000456947865	distortion angle = 11.2320980460567430 degrees = 0.0312002723501576 turns = 0.1960370927999167 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000005704648  
Period 2048 	nucleus = +0.2500023558032561 +0.0000000057019859	distortion angle = 11.2323756629140412 degrees = 0.0312010435080946 turns = 0.1960419381281353 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000000711847  
Period 4096 	nucleus = +0.2500005886128087 +0.0000000007121327	distortion angle = 11.2321190246282825 degrees = 0.0312003306239675 turns = 0.1960374589450624 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000000088904  
Period 8192 	nucleus = +0.2500001471109010 +0.0000000000889781	distortion angle = 11.2329396859086224 degrees = 0.0312026102386351 turns = 0.1960517821864472 radians		island sizes: HalfRoot-Cusp  = 0.0000000000011108 




  • all calculations are in a point-sampling, numerical ( double precision), non-rounding controlled manner
  • execution time of DrawImage for LastIteration = 31 for Period = 525 MultiplierMap = 5 seconds for example 2 ( period 3)

Key words

See also


create a new repository on the command line

echo "# " >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin [email protected]:adammaj1/Mandelbrot-set-topology.git
git push -u origin main



  • in general settings
    • add Social Preview Image ( Images should be at least 640×320px (1280×640px for best display))
  • in repository details ( near About) add
    • description
    • website
    • Topics (separate with spaces)

Local repository



mkdir png
git add *.png
git mv  *.png ./png
git commit -m "move"
git push -u origin main

then link the images:

![](./png/n.png "description") 

to overwrite

git mv -f 

the other files

git mv ./src/*.c ./src/modified/bash/
git mv ./src/*.sh ./src/modified/bash/
git mv ./src/Makefile ./src/modified/bash/
