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ACTRIS Cloudnet data processing

Various scripts used in Cloudnet data transfer and processing.


The data processing tools are distributed as a Docker container as a part of the Cloudnet development toolkit. Refer to README of the dev-toolkit repository on how to set up the CLU development environment.


Once the CLU development environment is running, start the cloudnet-processing container by running:


The scripts are located in scripts/ folder and should be run from the root:

./scripts/<> --arg1 foo --arg2 bar ...

The following scripts are provided:

The main wrapper for running all the processing steps.

usage: [-h] -s SITE [-d YYYY-MM-DD] [--start YYYY-MM-DD]
                       [--stop YYYY-MM-DD] [-p ...] COMMAND ...

Positional arguments:

Name Description
command Command to execute. Must be one of freeze, process, model, me, plot, fetch, dvas, or qc. Commands are detailed here.

General arguments. These arguments are available for most commands. The arguments must be issued before the command argument.

Short Long Default Description
-h --help Show help and exit.
-s --site Site to process data from, e.g, hyytiala. Required.
-d --date Single date to be processed. Alternatively, --start and --stop can be defined.
--start current day - 5 Starting date.
--stop current day Stopping date.
-p --products all Processed products, e.g, radar,lidar,categorize,classification.
-l --loglevel INFO Log level: INFO, DEBUG, WARNING or ERROR.

Shortcut for the --products argument:

Shortcut Meaning
lb1 disdrometer,doppler-lidar,lidar,mwr,radar,weather-station
l1c categorize,categorize-voodoo,mwr-l1c
l2 classification,iwc,lwc,drizzle,ier,der,mwr-single,mwr-multi,classification-voodoo
standard All products except experimental and Level 3.



The process command processes standard Cloudnet products, such as radar, lidar, categorize, and classification products.

In addition to the general arguments, it accepts the following special arguments.

Short Long Default Description
-r --reprocess False See below.
--reprocess_volatile False Reprocess volatile files only (and create new volatile file from unprocessed).
-u --updated_since Process all raw files submitted within --updated_since in hours. Ignores other arguments than --site. Note: Creates only Level 1b products.
-f --force False Force upload of the processed file to the data portal.
--pid Process Level 1b data only from some specific instrument.
-H --housekeeping False Process housekeeping data.

Behavior of the --reprocess flag:

Existing file --reprocess Action
- False Create volatile file.
- True Create volatile file.
volatile False Reprocess the volatile file (Level 1 products only if new raw data).
volatile True Reprocess the volatile file.
stable (legacy or not) False -
stable True Create new stable file version.


Don't process anything, only plot images for products.

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-m --missing False Only plot images for files that do not have any previous images plotted.


Don't process anything, only create quality control reports for products.

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-f --force False Force creation of QC reports. Otherwise might be skipped if an report exist and cloudnetpy-qc version has not changed.


Create Cloudnet model products.

Currently, with this command, arguments start, stop, date and products have no effect. Thus, all unprocessed model files will be processed.

This command takes no additional arguments.


Create Cloudnet level 3 model evaluation products (experimental).

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-r --reprocess False Process new version of the stable files and reprocess volatile files.


Download products or raw data from production and upload them to locally running data portal.

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-i --instruments Download raw files from the given instruments, or all available instruments if none is specified.
-m --models Download raw model files from the given models, or all available models if none is specified.
-e --extension File extension to be downloaded, e.g, .LV1.
--save Store downloaded files in download directory.
--include Include only files that match the given pattern.
--exclude *.LV0 Exclude files that match the given pattern.


Freeze selected files by adding a PID to the files and setting their state to stable, preventing further changes to the data.

Note: With this script, all sites can be selected using --site all argument.

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-f --force False Ignore environment variables FREEZE_AFTER_DAYS and FREEZE_MODEL_AFTER_DAYS. Allows freezing recently changed files.
-e --experimental False Also freeze experimental products.
--dvas False Also upload metadata to DVAS.


Upload Cloudnet metadata to DVAS data portal.

Additional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
--delete False Instead of uploading, delete selected metadata from the DVAS data portal.
--truncate False Instead of uploading, delete ALL CLU metadata from the DVAS data portal.


Processes housekeeping data based on config file.

Example usage:

./scripts/ -s palaiseau housekeeping
./scripts/ -s palaiseau -d 2022-11-01 housekeeping
./scripts/ -s palaiseau --start 2022-11-01 housekeeping
./scripts/ -s palaiseau --start 2022-11-01 --stop 2022-11-05 housekeeping


Process classification product for the Bucharest site for the date 2021-12-07:

scripts/ -s bucharest -d 2021-12-07 -p classification process

Plot missing images for Hyytiälä (since 2000-01-01):

scripts/ -s hyytiala --start 2000-01-01 plot -m

Freeze all files whose measurement date is 2021-01-01 or later:

scripts/ -s all --start 2021-01-01 freeze

Reprocess all level 2 files between 2021-01-01 and 2021-01-31 for Norunda:

scripts/ -s norunda --start 2021-01-01 --stop 2021-01-31 -p l2 process -r

Process missing model files for Munich:

scripts/ -s munich model

Other scripts

Code that is not involved in the Cloudnet data processing chain can be found in other scripts under the scripts directory.

Submit raw files to data portal in your development environment.

usage: [-h] -s SITE -i INSTRUMENT -d DATE --pid PID filename

Positional arguments:

Name Description
filename Raw file to submit.


Short Long Description
-h --help Show help and exit.
-s --site Submit data to site, e.g, hyytiala.
-d --date Date to submit, e.g. 2023-10-27.
-i --instrument Instrument to submit, e.g. chm15k.
--pid Instrument PID to submit.

Upload Matlab processed legacy products (categorize, and level 2 products) to data portal.

usage: [-h] [-y YYYY] PATH

Positional arguments:

Name Description
path Root path of the site containing legacy data, e.g, /foo/bar/munich/.

Optional arguments:

Short Long Default Description
-h --help Show help and exit.
-y --year all Process only some certain year.
-f --freeze False Add PID to file.


Existing file Action
- Add stable legacy file.
volatile -
stable (legacy) -
stable (non-legacy) Add stable legacy file as oldest version.

Print list of Cloudnet variables.



For development, you may open a bash session inside the container with:


The changes made to the source files on the host computer will be reflected in the container.


First, build a separate test container:

docker build --target dev --tag test .

Run unit tests:

docker run -tv $PWD:/app --env-file test.env test pytest

Run unit tests and debug on failure:

docker run -itv $PWD:/app --env-file test.env test pytest --pdb

Run end-to-end tests:

docker run -tv $PWD:/app --env-file e2e-test.env test /bin/sh -c 'for f in tests/e2e/*/; do $f; done'

Type hints:

docker run -tv $PWD:/app --env-file test.env test mypy scripts/ src/




Scripts for running Cloudnet processing







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