Run npm run dev
to start the development server. Any file changes will be reflected in the browser through hot-reloading.
- Exercise system
- Section links
- Unique, short idenfier for each section (like a real textbook)
- Traditional 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, ..., 2, ...
- Distinguishing code
- GA1, GA2.3, (for graph algorithms)
- Unique, short idenfier for each section (like a real textbook)
- Collapsable optional sections (examples, applications, remarks, asides, tangents, anecdotes, rants, pedantry, contemplation, historical background, trivia, poetry...)
- Text selection actions (highlight, define, feedback [link to issue creation])
- WebGL primative renderer
- Figure settings
- Save as image
- Save short interaction as GIF
- Reduced animation mode
- Color-deficiency accessibility
- Use patterns instead of colors (perhaps a general framework for this?)
- No-script support
- Screenshots of figures as a substitute
- (can this be done automatically?)
- Screenshots of figures as a substitute
- Offline support
- Download article/subject/website as HTML for reading in browser
- PWA cache thing?
- Download as PDF (with figure substitutions)