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Releases: accetto/headless-coding-g3

Release 25.01

26 Jan 19:38
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Release 25.01

This is a maintenance release.

Updated components:

  • noVNC to version 1.5.0
  • websockify to version 0.12.0

Remarks about xfce4-about

The version of the currently running Xfce4 can be checked by the utility xfce4-about.
It can be executed from the terminal window or by the start menu item Applications/About Xfce.

However, the utility requires the module, which is excluded from some images, to keep them smaller.

The module can be added in running containers as follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo install libgl1

Release 24.09.1

27 Sep 18:05
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Release 24.09.1

This is a fix release, finishing the changes announced in the previous release.


  • Default user headless:headless (1000:1000) has been changed to headless:headless (1001:1001).
    • This change has been only done to keep the containers uniform with the ones from the sibling Ubuntu projects.

Release 24.09

15 Sep 08:31
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Release 24.09

This is the first G3v6 release.
However, it's a maintenance release and the version number has been increased just to keep it synchronized with the sibling project accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3. The previous version G3v5 will still be available in this repository as the branch archived-generation-g3v5.


  • [Sorry, this one change actually comes in the next release.] - Default user headless:headless (1000:1000) has been changed to headless:headless (1001:1001).
    • This change has been only done to keep the containers uniform with the ones from the sibling Ubuntu projects.
  • The directive syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental has been removed from all Dockerfiles.
  • The noVNC starting page has been updated in all images.
    • If no noVNC Client is selected, then the Full Client will start automatically in 10 seconds.
  • The hook script release_of has been updated with the intention to report more helpful building errors.

Release 24.03.1

14 Mar 17:52
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Release 24.03.1

This is a fix release, correcting an unfortunate copy-and-paste error in the files Dockerfile.xfce.nodejs, Dockerfile.xfce.nvm and Dockerfile.xfce.python.

Other changes:

  • Readme files for Docker Hub have got a new section Sharing Visual Studio Code profiles

Release 24.03

11 Mar 18:11
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Release 24.03

This is the first G3v5 release. It also introduces the portable Visual Studio Code installation.

Remark: The version number G3v4 has been skipped, to align the numbering with the sibling project accetto/ubuntu-vnc-xfce-g3.

The updated script, which is part of Dockerfiles, skips the hidden files and directories now.
It generally should not have any unwanted side effects, but it may make a difference in some scenarios, hence the version increase.

The default Visual Studio Code installation path is $HOME/.vscode-portable/code and it can be changed by setting the build argument ARG_VSCODE_PATH.

By setting the build argument ARG_VSCODE_VERSION it's possible to install a particular Visual Studio Code version.

The complete Visual Studio Code profile is by default in the folder $HOME/.vscode-portable/code/data.

Note that the portable Visual Studio Code does not support automatic updates. However, manual updating is really easy. Visit the official Portable Mode page for more information.

Alternatively you can pull or build an updated accetto image containing the new Visual Studio Code version.

Release 23.12

08 Dec 14:48
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Release 23.12

This release brings new images containing the free open-source utility NVM (Node Version Manager), which allows installing and using multiple Node.js versions concurrently. No Node.js version is installed by default.

They can be pulled from the repository accetto/debian-vnc-xfce-nvm-g3 on Docker Hub.

The images are meant as a more flexible alternative to the ones from the Docker Hub repository accetto/debian-vnc-xfce-nodejs-g3, that contain particular Node.js versions. Publishing those images will be phased out, but you can always build them yourself using the GitHub project.


  • resources for building the new NVM images have been added
  • new NVM related blends have been added
    • nvm, nvm-chromium, nvm-vscode, nvm-vscode-chromium, nvm-vscode-firefox
  • new Dockerfile Dockerfile.xfce.nvm has been added
  • hook scripts in the folder docker/hooks/ have been updated
  • version discovery in the hook script release_of has been improved
    • nvm key has been added
    • processing of keys nodejs-lts and nodejs-current has been improved (fixed)
  • scripts and have been updated
  • embedded help in builder scripts and has been updated
  • building groups in the script have been updated
    • NVM related blends have been added
    • Node.js and Postman related blends have been removed from the named groups pivotal, complete, complete-chromium, complete-firefox and complete-vscode
      • Node.js and Postman blends should be build/published explicitly
  • building related README files have been updated
  • stage diagram Dockerfile.xfce.nvm.png has been added

Other changes:

  • Updated all Dockerfiles
    • file .bashrc is created earlier (stage merge_stage_vnc)
  • Updated file example-secrets.rc
    • removed the initialization of the variables FORCE_BUILDING and FORCE_PUBLISHING_BUILDER_REPO (unset means 0)
    • the variables are still used as before, but now they can be set individually for each building/publishing run

Release 23.11.1

19 Nov 10:00
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Release 23.11.1

Added more 'die-fast' error handling into the building and publishing scripts.
They exit immediately if the image building or pushing commands fail.

Release 23.11

16 Nov 18:39
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Release 23.11

Improved Node.js images:

  • global npm modules are installed into the folder $HOME/$NPM_GLOBAL_MODULES
  • default folder name is .node_modules_global
  • the folder is owned by the container user

Other changes:

  • file $HOME/.bashrc added to all images
    • it contains examples of custom aliases
      • ll - just ls -l
      • cls - clears the terminal window
      • 'ps1' - sets the command prompt text

Release 23.09

23 Sep 08:25
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Release 23.09

This is a maintenance release fixing the nodejs-current publishing problem.

Release 23.08.1

20 Aug 12:45
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Release 23.08.1 (Milestone)

This release brings new images based on the current Debian 12.

Main changes:

  • hook scripts env.rc, push and post_push have been updated
  • handling of multiple deployment tags per image has been improved and it covers also publishing into the builder repository now
    • also less image pollution by publishing
  • file got a new section Tips and examples, containing
    • How to deploy all images into one repository
  • script has been updated
    • postman has been removed from the pivotal group
    • group complete has been re-ordered

Main updated components:

  • Debian to version 12.1
  • Xfce desktop to version 4.18
  • Mousepad to version 0.5.10
  • nano to version 7.2
  • Python to version 3.11.2

Images with Postman still include the version 10.13.6, because it's the last version containing Scratch Pad.
You can update Postman to the latest version in the running container, if you don't mind loosing the Scratch Pad.