Source = "publisher"
- emits elements asynchronously
- may or may not terminate
Sink = "subscriber"
- receives elements
- terminates only when the publisher terminates
Flow = "processor"
- transforms elements
Build streams by connecting components
- upstream = to the source
- downstream = to the sink
Running a graph = materializing all components
- each component produces a materialized value
- graph produces a singled materialized value
Stream components are fused
- run on the same actor
Async boundaries
- components run on different actors
- better throughput
- (when operations are expensive)
Data flows through streams in response to demand Streams can slow down fast producers
fan-out components
- single input, multiple outputs
- broadcast, balance
fan-in components
- multiple inputs, single output
- zip, zipWith, merge, concat
Fault tolerance
- Recovering, Backoff supervision or Supervision strategies