A simple message generator using Javascript. Every time a user runs a program, they should get a new, randomized output.
- Build a message generator program using JavaScript
- Use Git version control
- Use command line
- Develop locally on your computer
- JavaScript
- Git and GitHub
- Command line
function generateRandomNumber(num) {
// Gets # from 0 -> num - 1
return Math.floor(Math.random() * num)
const collectiveWisdom = {
signInfo: ['star', 'moon', 'sun', 'comet'],
fortuneOutput: ['terrible luck', 'bad luck', 'ok luck', 'good luck', 'great luck'],
advice: ['go out and eat', 'not read this', 'play more', 'trust no one']
// Store the 'wisdom' in an array
let personalWisdom = []
// Iterate over the object
for(let prop in collectiveWisdom) {
let optionIdx = generateRandomNumber(collectiveWisdom[prop].length)
// use the object's properties to customize the message being added to personalWisdom
switch(prop) {
case 'signInfo':
personalWisdom.push(`Your sign right now is a "${collectiveWisdom[prop][optionIdx]}".`)
case 'fortuneOutput':
personalWisdom.push(`You are having: "${collectiveWisdom[prop][optionIdx]}".`)
case 'advice':
personalWisdom.push(`You should: "${collectiveWisdom[prop][optionIdx]}".`)
personalWisdom.push('There is not enough info.')
function formatWisdom(wisdom) {
// Add some ASCII here?
// Add in more symbols to the array? like emojies or what not?
const formatted = personalWisdom.join('\n')