Releases: aborn/leanote-emacs
Releases · aborn/leanote-emacs
leanote 0.4.0
New features:
- Auto update local content when remote content is newer.
- Create new notebook (M-x leanote-notebook-create).
- Delete current notebook (M-x leanote-notebook-delete).
- Get current login user info (M-x leanote-get-user-info).
Bug fix & optimus:
- Fix leanote-extra-abstract function bug when content hasn't #.
- Optimization for http request action.
leanote 0.3.6
remove swiper and helm dependency, use completing-read as default.
leanote 0.3.5
- leanote status check time interval customizable [feature].
- fix problems by purcell advice [optimization].
- fix elpa installation bug [bug fix].
leanote 0.3.0
New features:
- more leanote status show (like login status, need update status etc.)
- add leanote-helm-find command use helm to find file
- leanote-push force update command when conflict
Bug fix & optimus:
- use async note status check
- simplify & renme some freq command
- add note status task locker, make sure only one task running within 30 seconds.
Hot key for freq command
- C-c u leanote-push
- C-c r leanote-rename
- C-c f leanote-find
- C-c o leanote-pull
leanote 0.2.0
- Feature: rename the note title and push to remote;
- Feature: using swiper for search all note with note title;
- Feature: leanote note status show in mode-line;
- Bug fix: each markdown note extra an abstract for blog;
- Bug fix: delete-file-and-buffer not fond.