My first target is to alert some hard working person to stand up to move and drink some water. Also you can use to alert your girl friend's birthday or other important things.
Author: 周海汉(zhouhh) [email protected]
Magic Alarm(万能闹钟), an alarm tool support Windows,Mac,Linux OS. It can config like crontab.
java 1.8 +
perfect java 1.9
from source:
mvn package
copy and libs to bin/.
on Windows run:
on Mac/Linux run:
config.txt example
# second (0-59) minute(0-59) hour(0-23) date of month(1-31) month(0-11) day of week(1-7,1 for sunday) year(opt)
# 0/n every n unit.'*' : every unit. '?' optional. date and day must one be '?', but not same '?'.
# ';' split a alarm note message.
0 0/2 * * * ?; every 2 minute alarm.
0 0/30 8-18 ? * 2-6; working day every 30 minutes , alarm drinking water
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