Currently, UnlockEdv2 is tested on Windows (WSL), Mac (homebrew) and Linux.
- Docker && Docker Compose
- Go 1.23
- Node.js > 18.0
- Yarn
- Make (optional, but recommended)
If you would like to contribute, please have a look at our contribution guidelines.
- Go 1.23
- Node.js > 18.0
- Docker && Docker-Compose
Node.js > 18.0
Postgres 16.0
Clone the repository
cp .env.example .env && cp frontend/.env.example frontend/.env
make help
for complete instructions -
cd frontend && yarn prepare
For frontend development:
- Run
make frontend-dev
This will build everything but the client, which you can then run separately with yarn run dev
in the frontend directory.
For backend development:
- Run
make backend-dev
This will build only the Auth and run Postgres. You are responsible for building and running the server, middleware, and optionally the client/vite.
For Production:
- Run
make prod
to build the entire project in docker. You can then go tolocalhost
in your browser.
Login with SuperAdmin
and password: ChangeMe!
You will be prompted immediately to set a new password, and then you will be redirected to the dashboard.
To migrate the database to a fresh state, run make migrate-fresh
(you can do this while docker is running with all the services, but you must restart the server (e.g. docker restart unlockedv2-server-1
if your repo directory is called UnlockEdv2)
This product is under active development, and things are subject to abrupt change, frequently. Here are a couple things to try if you are having errors with your local development environment: If these don't work, look at the FAQ below, and if those don't work feel free to open an issue 👍
First, no matter the problem: try clearing your cookies in your browser. We rely on a csrf_token, an ory_session_token and an unlocked_token to validate and authenticate our users. Clearing them and logging back in will often solve problems we have when developing and creating many sessions and restarting the server.
Second: try migrating the database to a fresh state, and restarting docker.
Third: make sure your .env
file is up to date. It's possible that you copied your .env.example over upon first cloning the repo,
so be sure that it didn't update in a later commit.
- Naming and style convention is outlined in our file.
Proper linting/formatting will run automatically in a git hook before each commit. If you want to run them beforehand, you can cd
into frontend and run npx prettier -w .
or cd backend
and gofmt -w .
IF for some reason you need to skip the pre-commit hooks, you can run git commit --no-verify
but do not do this unless you know what you are doing and you understand the CI/CD will fail if you submit a PR
Chances are, this is a permissions issue with docker. If you are new to docker, you may need to run
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
to add yourself to the docker group. You will need to log out and back in for this to take effect. Try starting docker withsudo dockerd
, or restarting the daemon withsudo systemctl restart docker.service
, followed bydocker run hello-world
to ensure docker is running properly before again trying thesail up
run docker compose up {-f docker-compose.yml} {-f config/docker-compose.fe-dev.yml | -f config/} --build --force-recreate
depending on what services you need
Two tools you can use to aid in debugging:
- React Developer Tools. This is available for several browser flavors and available on their website:
UnlockEdv2 is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.