Blockchain based Vehicle Rental Application
Repo contains final presentation and images of the working of the Application (in the folder Working Screenshots)
Technology giants like Uber have created a great impact by introducing "share your trip policy". We propose to facitiate and extend it to another dimension with the aid of block chain. This application provides a platforms for users to rent vehicles from other users while taking care of problems related to accountability, reliability and security. The user can rent their car using Ether currency from the ethereum network. Smart contracts have been deployed for secure payments and to handle edge cases.
In this applications, users will be able to:
- Lease their vehicles by specifying location (Mapbox interactive maps were used), fee and timeline of the deal.
- Check for availability of rentals of other vehicles in their area at a given time. Maps show spots where there are rentals.
- Rate the quiality of the renter and the vehicle to keep track of credibility of a user.
- Transact without a middle body reliably using the Ethereum network and Metamask wallet.