Welcome to my ENVS 511 Course Repo! ENVS 511 is a graduate level R-programming course taught by Dr Jan U.H. Eitel from the College of Natural Resources at the University of Idaho. The course focuses on the use of statistical data manipulation, visualization, and analysis in R from environmental science related data.
This repo contains projects developed during the semester of the R-programming course @UIdaho. As such, the projects are limited in scope and scale due to the limited time frame of the semester. This repo contains two sub-directories with two main projects for the course:
The 'FinalProject' sub-directory contains all the relevant files and code for the final project submitted for the course. Please review the README.md file present in the sub-directory for more information. URL for the final project RPubs website: FINAL PROJECT WEBSITE (click here)
The 'RShinyApp' sub-directory contains all the relavant files and code for the R Shiny App developed during the R-programming course. Please review the README.md file present in the sub-directory for more information. URL for the R-ShinyApp web hosted dashboard application: R-SHINYAPP WEBSITE (click here)