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File metadata and controls

342 lines (277 loc) · 23.5 KB

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  • PowerShell: A cross-platform PowerShell. Start it by running pwsh/pwsh.exe.

  • Windows PowerShell: A PowerShell which is built-in on Windows system. Start it by running powershell/powershell.exe.

If PSCompletions is helpful to you, please consider giving it a star ⭐.

What's new


How to install

  1. Start PowerShell.

  2. Install module:

    • Don't omit -Scope CurrentUser unless you're sure you'll always start PowerShell with administrator permissions.
      Install-Module PSCompletions -Scope CurrentUser
    • Install silently:
      Install-Module PSCompletions -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force
  3. Import module:

    Import-Module PSCompletions
    • If you don't want to import the PSCompletions module every time when you start PowerShell, you can write it to $PROFILE.
      echo "Import-Module PSCompletions" >> $PROFILE

How to uninstall

  1. Start PowerShell.
  2. Uninstall module:
    Uninstall-Module PSCompletions

How to use

If it doesn't include the completion you want, you can submit an issue.

  • Take git as an example.
  1. psc add git
  2. Then you can enter git, press Space and Tab key to get command completion.
  3. For more usages on psc, you just need to enter psc, press Space and Tab key, and you will get all usages of psc by reading the completion tip.





About the completion trigger key

  • PSCompletions uses the Tab key by default.
  • You can set it by running psc menu config trigger_key <key>.

About completion update

  • When PSCompletions module is imported after starting PowerShell, it will start a background job to check for the completion status of the remote repository.
  • After getting the update, PSCompletions will show the latest status of the completions in the next time.

About completion menu

  • In addition to the built-in completion menu of PowerShell, PSCompletions module also provides a more powerful completion menu.

    • Setting: psc menu config enable_menu 1 (Default: 1)
  • The module's completion menu is based on PS-GuiCompletion realization idea, thanks!

  • Available Windows environment:

    • PowerShell v4.0.0+ support
    • Windows PowerShell v4.1.0+ support
      • Due to rendering problems of Windows PowerShell, the border style of the completion menu cannot be customized.
        • If you need to customize it, use PowerShell.
  • Some keys in the module's completion menu.

    1. Apply the selected completion item: Enter

      • You can also use Tab or Space when there's only one completion.
    2. Delete filter characters: Backspace

    3. Exit the completion menu: Esc / Ctrl + c

      • You can also use Backspace when there're no characters in the filter area.
    4. Select completion item:

      Select previous item Select next item
      Up Down
      Left Right
      Shift + Tab Tab
      Shift + Space Space
      Ctrl + u Ctrl + d
      Ctrl + p Ctrl + n
  • All configurations of it, you can trigger completion by running psc menu, then learn about them by the completion tip.

    • For configured values, 1 means true and 0 means false. (It applies to all configurations of PSCompletions)

About menu enhance v4.2.0+ support

  • Setting: psc menu config enable_menu_enhance 1 (Default: 1)

  • Now, PSCompletions has two completion implementations.

    1. Register-ArgumentCompleter
      • v4.1.0 support : It's used.
      • v4.2.0+ support: It's optional.
        • You can use it by running psc menu config enable_menu_enhance 0.
        • It's not recommended. It only works for completions added by psc add.
    2. Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler
      • v4.2.0+ support: It's used by default.
        • Requires: enable_menu and enable_menu_enhance both set to 1.
      • It no longer needs to loop through registering Register-ArgumentCompleter for all completions, which theoretically makes loading faster.
      • It use TabExpansion2 to manage completions globally, not limited to those added by psc add.
        • For example:
          • Path completion such as cd/.\/..\/~\/... in PowerShell.
          • Build-in commands such as Get-*/Set-*/New-*/... in PowerShell.
          • Completion registered by Register-ArgumentCompleter
          • Completion registered by cli or module.
          • ...

About special symbols

  • Special symbols after the completion item are used to let you know in advance if completions are available before you press the Tab key.

    • If you don't need or want to see these symbols, you can hide them by replacing them with the empty string.
      • psc menu symbol SpaceTab ""
      • psc menu symbol OptionTab ""
      • psc menu symbol WriteSpaceTab ""
  • 😄🤔😎 : If there are multiple, you can choose the effect of one of them.

    • Define them:
      • Normal Completion: Sub-commands. Such as add/pull/push/commit/... in git.
      • Optional Completion: Optional parameters. Such as -g/-u/... in git add.
      • General Optional Completion: General optional parameters that can be used with any command. Such as --help/... in git.
    • 😄 : It means that after you apply it, you can press Space and Tab key to continue to get Normal Completion or Optional Completion.
      • It will appear only when there's Normal Completion or Optional Completion.
      • It can be customized by running psc menu symbol SpaceTab <symbol>
    • 🤔 : It means that after you apply it (Optional Completion), you can press Space and Tab key to continue to get other Optional Completion.
      • General Optional Completion use also this symbol.
      • It can be customized by running psc menu symbol OptionTab <symbol>
    • 😎 : It means that after you apply it (Optional Completion or General Optional Completion), you can press Space and enter a string, then press Space and Tab key to continue to get other Optional Completion or General Optional Completion.
      • If the string has Spaces, Please use "(quote) or '(single quote) to wrap it. e.g. "test content"
      • If there's also 😄, it means that there's Normal Completion, you can press Space and Tab key to continue to get them without entering a string.
      • It can be customized by running psc menu symbol WriteSpaceTab <symbol>
    • All completions can be triggered by pressing the Tab key after entering a part.

About completion tip

  • The completion tip is only a helper, you can also disable the tip by running psc menu config enable_tip 0

    • To enable the completion tip, run psc menu config enable_tip 1.
    • You can also disable the tip for a specific completion, such as psc.
      • psc completion psc enable_tip 0
  • General structure of the completion tip: Usage + Description + Example

    U: install|add [-g|-u] [options] <app>
    This is a description of the command.
    E: install xxx
       add -g xxx
  • Example Analysis:

    1. Usage: Begin with U:
      • command name: install
      • command alias: add
      • required parameters: <app>
        • app is a simple summary of the parameters.
      • optional parameters: -g -u
        • [options]: Some options.
    2. Description: The description of the command.
    3. Example: Begin with E:

About language

  • Global language: Default to the language of current system.
    • You can show it by running psc config language.
    • You can change it by running psc config language zh-CN.
  • Completion language: The language set for the specified completion.
    • e.g. psc completion git language en-US.
  • Available language: In the completion config.json file, there is a language attribute whose value is a list of available languages.

Determine language

  1. Get the specified language:
    • If there is Completion language,use it.
    • If not, use Global language.
  2. Determine the final language:
    • Determine whether the value of the first step exists in Available language.
    • If it exists, use it.
    • If not, use the first of the Available language. (It's usually en-US)

About path completion

  • Take git for example, when entering git add, pressing the Space and Tab keys, path completion will not be triggered, only completion provided by the module will be triggered.
  • If you want to trigger path completion, you need to enter a content which matches ^(?:\.\.?|~)?(?:[/\\]).*.
  • e.g.
    • Please enter ./ or .\ and press Tab key to get path completion for the subdirectory or file.
    • Please enter ../ or ..\ and press Tab key to get path completion for the parent directory or file.
    • Please enter / or \ and press Tab key to get path completion for the sibling directory.
    • More examples: ~/ / ../../ ...
  • So you can enter git add ./ and then press Tab key to get the path completion.



Available Completions List

  • Guide
    • Completion :Click to view to the official website of the command. Sort by first letter(0-9,a-z).
      • Special case: abc(a), it means that you need to download it by psc add abc, but by default a is used instead of abc to trigger the completion.
    • Language: Supported Languages, and Translation Progress.
      • The translation progress is compared to en-US.
    • Description: Command Description.
Completion Language Description
7z en-US
The command line cli of 7-Zip
arch en-US
Display machine architecture.
Come from uutils/coreutils
b2sum en-US
Compute and check message digests.
Come from uutils/coreutils
b3sum en-US
Compute and check message digests.
Come from uutils/coreutils
base32 en-US
Encode/decode data and print to standard output.
Come from uutils/coreutils
base64 en-US
Encode/decode data and print to standard output.
Come from uutils/coreutils
basename en-US
Print NAME with any leading directory components removed.
Come from uutils/coreutils
basenc en-US
Encode/decode data and print to standard output.
Come from uutils/coreutils
bun en-US
Bun - JavaScript all-in-one toolkit
cargo en-US
cargo - Rust package manager
chfs en-US
CuteHttpFileServer - A free, HTTP protocol file sharing server cross-platform file sharing server
choco en-US
choco(chocolatey) - Software Manager
cksum en-US
Print CRC and size for each file.
Come from uutils/coreutils
comm en-US
Compare two sorted files line by line.
Come from uutils/coreutils
conda en-US
conda - binary package and environment manager
csplit en-US
Split a file into sections determined by context lines.
Come from uutils/coreutils
cut en-US
Print specified byte or field columns from each line of stdin or the input files.
Come from uutils/coreutils
date en-US
Print or set the system date and time.
Come from uutils/coreutils
dd en-US
Copy, and optionally convert, a file system resource.
Come from uutils/coreutils
deno en-US
Deno - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
df en-US
Show information about the file system on which each FILE resides, or all file systems by default.
Come from uutils/coreutils
dircolors en-US
Output commands to set the LS_COLORS environment variable.
Come from uutils/coreutils
dirname en-US
Strip last component from file name.
Come from uutils/coreutils
docker en-US
docker - Container Application Development
du en-US
Estimate file space usage.
Come from uutils/coreutils
env en-US
Set each NAME to VALUE in the environment and run COMMAND.
Come from uutils/coreutils
factor en-US
Print the prime factors of the given NUMBER(s).
Come from uutils/coreutils
fmt en-US
Reformat paragraphs from input files (or stdin) to stdout.
Come from uutils/coreutils
fnm en-US
Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust.
fold en-US
Writes each file (or standard input if no files are given) to standard output whilst breaking long lines.
Come from uutils/coreutils
git en-US
Git - Version control system
hashsum en-US
Compute and check message digests.
Come from uutils/coreutils
head en-US
Print the first 10 lines of each 'FILE' to standard output.
Come from uutils/coreutils
join en-US
For each pair of input lines with identical join fields, write a line to standard output.
The default join field is the first, delimited by blanks.
Come from uutils/coreutils
kubectl en-US
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
kubectl is its command-line tool.
link en-US
Call the link function to create a link named FILE2 to an existing FILE1.
Come from uutils/coreutils
ln en-US
Make links between files.
Come from uutils/coreutils
md5sum en-US
Compute and check message digests.
Come from uutils/coreutils
mktemp en-US
Create a temporary file or directory.
Come from uutils/coreutils
ngrok en-US
ngrok - Unified Ingress Platform for developers.
Connect localhost to the internet for testing applications and APIs.
nl en-US
Number lines of files.
Come from uutils/coreutils
npm en-US
npm - package manager
nproc en-US
Print the number of cores available to the current process.
Come from uutils/coreutils
nrm en-US
nrm - npm registry manager
numfmt en-US
Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings.
Come from uutils/coreutils
nvm en-US
nvm - Node Version Manager
od en-US
Dump files in octal and other formats.
Come from uutils/coreutils
paste en-US
Write lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from each 'FILE', separated by 'TAB's, to standard output.
Come from uutils/coreutils
pdm en-US
A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
pip en-US
pip - Python Package Manager
pnpm en-US
pnpm - Package Manager
powershell en-US
Windows PowerShell CLI. (powershell.exe)
psc en-US
PSCompletions module's completion tips.
It can only be updated, not removed.
If removed, it will be automatically added again.
pwsh en-US
PowerShell CLI. (pwsh.exe)
python en-US
python - command-line
scoop en-US
Scoop - Software Manager
sfsu en-US
Scoop utilities that can replace the slowest parts of Scoop, and run anywhere from 30-100 times faster
volta en-US
volta - Accessible JavaScript Tool Manager
winget en-US
WinGet - Windows package manager
wsl en-US
WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux
wt en-US
Windows Terminal command line.
You can use it to start a terminal.
yarn en-US
yarn - package manager
... ...                           ...