A zombie FPS shooter based on survival and wave mechanism. Zombies chase the player using navmesh and the game becomes tougher by every increasing wave.
- Unity and Unity Hub
- WebGL
- C#
- Unity Particle System and NavMesh
- 2D and 3D objects
- Keyboard and mouse inputs
- OnTrigger/OnCollision
- First person
- Platform creation
- Raycasting
- Instantiation
- NavMesh
- Particle System
- Asset importing and all kinds of scripting
Course Instructor: Sir Mohsin Mehdi. Submitted By: Abdul Rehman Aziz Background Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3MZxj-dFkI&ab_channel=ymetsys
Minimal Viable Version with lesser graphics, shaders, and lightning deployed using WebGL at https://yestisabdi.itch.io/zombie-fps For better and high quality experience, download the exe file.