Another modern Object Oriented C compiler. It has Rerfference Count GC, and includes the generics collection libraries.
version 20.0.0
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
int a;
int b;
void show()
printf("a %d b %d\n", self.a, self.b);
class sData2 extends sData
int c;
void show()
printf("a %d b %d c %d\n", self.a, self.b, self.c);
int main()
var data = new sData2 { a:123, b:234, c:345 };; // a 123 b 234 c 345
puts("HO!" * 3); // HO!HO!HO!\n
return 0;
sh will automatically install the necessary packages.
Supports Linux, MacOS (Darwin), termux (Android) userland (Android), and raspberry pi.
sh fast_build.shとすると自動的に必要なパッケージがインストールされます。
LinuxとMacOS(Darwin), termux(Android), raspberry pi, raspberry pi picoをサポートしています。
Please install sudo and git before the build.
git clone
cd comelang
To install a vi clone called vin, a string processing interpreter called zed, a console filer called mf, and an original shell called shsh, do the following:
20.0.0 comelang complete. Refactoring repeated.
17.0.0 Exception really complete. Perfectly
16.0.2 Exception really complete
16.0.1 Exception really complete
16.0.0 Exception complete
15.0.5 Refactoring
15.0.4 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
15.0.3 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
15.0.2 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
15.0.1 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
15.0.0 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
14.0.0 Type eraser generics collection finally complete.
13.0.3 Type eraser generics collection complete.
13.0.2 no generating code collection finally comes. Some bugs may remained. It's usefull for embbeded system because it doesn't take few code size.
13.0.1 no generating code collection finally comes. Some bugs may remained. It's usefull for embbeded system because it doesn't take few code size.
13.0.0 no generating code collection finally comes. Some bugs may remained. It's usefull for embbeded system because it doesn't take few code size.
12.3.2 valgrind check, no invalid memory access.
12.3.1 no generating code collection
12.3.0 no generating code collection
12.2.9 no generating code collection buggy.
12.2.8 no generating code collection perfectly releally complete. More improved;
12.2.6 no generating code collection releally complete. More improved;
12.2.5 no generating code collection complete. More improved;
12.2.4 no generating code collection complete. More improved;
12.2.3 no generating code collection comming. Bug fixed.
12.2.2 no generating code collection comming. More improved.
12.2.1 no generating code collection comming.
12.2.0 __attribute__ more proper
12.1.2 __attribute__ more proper
12.1.1 __attribute__ more proper
12.1.0 vin
12.0.9 char*::sub_plain added to comelang.h. vin bug fixed.
12.0.8 minux2 timer intterupt task switching pico os.
12.0.7 minux1 roudrobin task switching pico os, minux2 timer intterupt task switching pico os.
12.0.6 arrange cpp option and clang option.
12.0.5 -gc option support again to use boehm GC
12.0.2 -gcc option to use gcc instead of clang
12.0.1 Refactoring.
12.0.0 Really complete.
11.0.5 pico support. pico os project starts.
11.0.4 avr os. yaos
11.0.3 avr os.
11.0.2 m5stack support. More compatibilities for C Language.
11.0.1 Cinatora project finished. support m5stack. More compatibilities for C Language.
11.0.0 Colelction library bug fixed. Really complete. Cinatora project starts.
10.2.4 Searching for method algorithm more powerfull.
10.2.3 Maybe complete.
10.2.2 Maybe complete.
10.2.1 Maybe complete.
10.2.0 Maybe complete.
10.1.2 /* */ comment can nest like Java or Rust. /* */ and // comment can write in here docment.
10.1.1 Function attribute, type attribute, more compability for C Language.
10.1.0 remove libcomelang.a, Only need include comelang.h. delete floaint,integer, and -gc option.
10.0.2 comelang can build piccolo os. comelang can make operating system.
10.0.1 raspi pico.
10.0.0 Really complete. see
8.2.3 Remove $ function with emebbed string.
8.2.2 char*::delete bug is fiexed.
8.2.1 buffer expression.
8.2.0 named tuple.
8.1.8 named tuple.
8.1.7 refactoring.
8.1.6 module param bug fixed. refactoring.
8.1.5 refactoring, force_finalize, force_delete removed.
8.1.4 rescue more powerfull.
8.1.3 list<tup:int, string>*% equals to list<tuple2<int, string>*%>*%
8.1.2 buffer*::apppend_format.
8.1.1 comelang pralell coding and channel.
8.1.0 raspi pico.
8.0.5 raspi pico.
8.0.3 Exception bug fixed.
8.0.2 Exception bug fixed.
8.0.1 Exception.
8.0.0 Exception.
7.9.9 Exception recoming.
7.1.0 Real wildcard coming. map equals bug fixed.
7.0.5 can omit new keyword for creating object.
7.0.4 wildcard bug fixed.
7.0.3 wildcard bug fixed.
7.0.2 Pattern maching more improved. more fixed bugs. wildcard supported.
7.0.1 Pattern maching bug fixed.
7.0.0 Exception removed. I can't debug....
6.9.9 Exception removed. I can't debug....
5.1.6 and or had been bug from long time ago.
5.1.5 Improved pattern matching.
5.1.4 Improved pattern matching.
5.1.3 Improved pattern matching.
5.1.2 Pattern matching else block has been added.
5.1.1 Pattern matching bug fixed.
5.1.0 to_string automatically defined. Object Initializer.
5.0.9 The result of if bug fixed.
5.0.8 Exception bug is fixed maybe. Smash the damn bug to the sky.
5.0.7 if statment has the result type. pattern matching is coming. The bug fixed.
5.0.6 if statment has the result type. pattern matching is coming. The bug fixed.
5.0.5 if statment has the result type. pattern matching is coming.
5.0.4 if statment has the result type.
5.0.3 pattern matching is coming soon.
5.0.2 Fixed bug maybe.
5.0.1 Exception bug is fiexed maybe.
5.0.0 Exception is perfect.
4.0.5 Exception bug fixed maybe. Some critically bug fixed. I'm sorry.
4.0.2 Some library function which uses regex entered bug when 4.0.1, fixed.
4.0.1 Some library function start to use exception. When exception, resuce Err Msg is now "Err" not "it".
4.0.0 Exception is perfect like Java, ruby, Python.
3.5.2 More improvement of exception
3.5.1 More improvement of exception
3.5.0 Exception
3.0.4 -gc and regex bug fixed.
3.0.3 -gc and regex bug fixed.
3.0.1 Method generics is complete. Type infference is maybe perfect.
3.0.0 Method generics is complete. Type infference is enabled.
2.2.2 struct initializer.
2.2.0 [1,2,3].map<string> { return it.to_string(); }.each { puts(it); } <=> [1,2,3].map { it.to_string() }.each { puts(it); }
2.1.0 [1,2,3].map2<string> { return it.to_string(); }.each { puts(it); } <=> [1,2,3].map2<string> { it.to_string() }.each { puts(it); }
2.0.1 an embbeded string bug fiexed.
2.0.0 Release
The syntax is almost the same as C language. It may not be POSIX compliant. If you do not #include <comelang.h>, you can use it as a normal C compiler.
文法はC言語とほとんど一緒です。POSIXに準拠しているとは言えないかもしれません。#include <comelang.h>をしないと普通のCコンパイラとして使えます。
> vim a.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
puts("HELLO WORLD");
return 0;
> comelang a.c
> ./a
It is not POSIX compliant, but is compatible with the C language. I think most C header files can be included as is.
The grammar library includes list, vector, map, tuple, buffer, and string.
ライブラリにはlist, vector, map, tuple, buffer, stringがあります。
#incldue <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
list<char*>*% li = ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE"];
foreach(it, li.sublist(0,3)) { // "AAA"\n"BBB"\n"CCC"
foreach(it, li) { // "AAA"\n"BBB"\n"CCC"\n"DDD"\n"EEE"\n"FFF"\n"GGG"\n
return 0;
li.each { puts(it); } can also access all list elements, but break, continue, and return cannot be used. It is more efficient to use foreach. foreach takes the first argument as the name of the variable containing the element, and the second argument as the list.
foreach is implemented as a macro.
li.each { puts(it); }としても全てのリストの要素にアクセスできますが、break, continu, returnが使えません。foreachを使った方が効率的にもいいです。foreachは第一引数が要素が入った変数の名前、第二引数がリストとなります。
#define foreach(o1, o2) for(var o2_saved = (o2), var o1 = (o2_saved).begin(); !(o2_saved).end(); o1 = (o2_saved).next())
Below is an explanation of all methods.
list<T>*% initialize(list<T>*% self);
A constructor. It will be called by typing new list();. Internally this is new list.initialize(); It is an abbreviation of
The constructor must add a % to the first argument and add 1 to the reference count. If you do not add %, it will be determined that the heap can be freed and will be automatically freed. The return value must also be marked with a % to prevent it from being released.
Write return self; at the end of the constructor. It cannot be omitted.
You can easily write constructors by using the class function described later.
コンストラクタです。new list();とすれば呼び出されます。これは内部的にはnew list.initialize(); の略です。
コンストラクタの最後にはreturn self;と書いてください。略することはできません。
var li = new list<int>.initialize();
var li2 = new list<int>();
list<T>*% initialize_with_values(list<T>*% self, int num_value, T&* values)
Creates a list initialized with an array.
int values[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
var li = new list<int>.initialize_with_values(3, values);
void finalize(list<T>* self)
It's a destructor. Called when automatically deleted or manually deleted.
list<int>* li = borrow gc_inc(new list<int>());
delete li; // finalize is called. finalizeが呼ばれる
gc_inc increments the heap reference count by 1. borrow removes the heap from being automatically released and allows it to be assigned to a variable without a %. In this case the heap is managed manually and memory leaks will occur if you don't delete it. If a memory leak occurs When you run the program, the number of memory leaks will be displayed. If you compile with the -cg option, the stack frame at the location of the source file where the heap was generated will be displayed. I think it's easy to debug.
gc_incはヒープのリファレンスカウントを+1します。borrowはヒープの自動解放対象から外し、%をつけない変数に代入できるようにします。この場合ヒープは手動で管理されて、deleteしないとメモリリークが発生します。 メモリリークが発生した場合プログラムを実行するとメモリリークの回数が表示されます。-cgオプションをつけてコンパイルするとヒープが生成されたソースファイルの位置のスタックフレームが表示されます。デバッグも容易だと思います。
list<T>*% clone(list<T>* self)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
var li2 = clone li; // cloneがよばれる
clone is a deep copy. Elements are also recursively cloned to duplicate memory. Since li and li2 have a reference count of 1, they will be automatically deleted when they exit the scope.
If you don't want to deep copy, follow the steps below.
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
var li2 = li;
li2 refers to the same thing as li. The heap of [1,2,3,4,5] has a reference count of 2, so when li and li2 exit the scope, the reference count is -2 and becomes 0, and [1,2,3,4,5 ] will be released.
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
list<int>* li2 = li;
In this case, li and li2 refer to the same thing, but if li2 is accessed after li is released, a segmentation fault will occur.
In most cases, you can just add a % to the pointer. Reference count GC handles this well.
list<T>* add(list<T>* self, T item)
var li = [s"ABC", s"DEF", s"GHQ"]:
s"ABC" is a string type character string and is allocated on the heap. The same is true for string("ABC"). string is defined as typedef char*% string; and can also be treated as a simple char type array. So, putting(s"ABC"); will output ABC\n. In this case, the generated string will be automatically freed.
li is list*%. The reference count of s"OPQ" in li.add(s"OPQ"); is incremented by 1 and it is correctly stored in li. The stored s"ABC", s"DEF", s"GHQ", and s"OPQ" are correctly freed when li is freed.
s"ABC"はstring型の文字列でヒープに確保されます。string("ABC")としても同じです。stringはtypedef char*% string;と定義されていて、単なるchar型の配列としても扱えます。なのでputs(s"ABC");とするとABC\nが出力されます。この場合生成された文字列は自動的にfreeされます。
li is list*%. The reference count of s"OPQ" in li.add(s"OPQ"); is incremented by 1 and it is correctly stored in li. The stored s"ABC", s"DEF", s"GHQ", and s"OPQ" are correctly freed when li is freed.
liはlist*%です。li.add(s"OPQ");のs"OPQ"はリファレンスカウントが+1されて、正しくliに格納されます。liが解放されるとき格納された、s"ABC", s"DEF", s"GHQ", s"OPQ"は正しくfreeされます。
void pop_front(list<T>* self)
Delete the beginning of the list. If the heap is stored, the element will be freed. If it is a non-heap pointer such as "ABC", it will not be freed.
list<T>* push_back(list<T>* self, T item)
Same as add.
string to_string(list<T>* self)
var li = ["ABC", "DEF", "GHQ"];
[ABC,DEF,GHQ] will be output. to_string is executed on all elements.
li is list<char*>%, which stores string pointers. The stored element will not be freed because it is not char%.
T& begin(list<T>* self)
T& next(list<T>* self)
bool end(list<T>* self)
Defined for foreach. Use this if you want to access all elements.
list<T>* each(list<T>* self, void* parent, void (*block)(void*, T&,int,bool*))
var li = ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"];
li.each {
ABC\nDEF\nGHI\n will be output. Method block arguments are stored in it, it2, and it3. In this case, it contains each element. Unlike foreach, break, continue, and return cannot be executed. Returning just escapes from the method block.
ABC\nDEF\nGHI\nが出力されます。メソッドブロックはit,it2,it3にメソッドブロックの引数が格納されます。この場合itは各要素が入っています。foreachと違い、break, continue, returnは実行できません。returnするとメソッドブロックから脱出するだけです。
T& item(list<T>* self, int position, T default_value)
var li = ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"];
puts(li.item(0, null)); // ABC
puts(li.item(-1, null)); // GHI
puts(li.item(-9999, "")); // ""
default_value is the value returned in case of out-of-range access. If <0, the elements counted from the back are returned.
int length(list<T>* self)
var li = [1,2,3];
puts(li.length().to_string()); // 3
Returns the number of elements.
list<T>* insert(list<T>* self, int position, T item)
var li = [1,2,3];
li.insert(1@position, 5@item); // [1,5,2,3]
Add element to position. @postion is an annotation and is treated as a comment.
li should be [1,5,2,3].
list<T>* reset(list<T>* self)
var li = [1,2,3];
li.length().to_string().puts(); // 0
Clears the element. 0 will be output.
list<T>* remove(list<T>* self, T item)
var li = [1,2,3];
li.remove(3); // [1,2]
Delete items that match item and equals. li is [1,2].
itemとequalsがマッチするものを削除します。 liは[1,2]です。
list<T>* delete(list<T>* self, int head, int tail)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
li.delete(3,-1); // [1,2,3]
li.delete(0,1); // [2,3];
Delete what is in the range. -1 is the tail. li is [1,2,3].
範囲に入っているものを削除します。-1は末尾です。 liは[2,3]です。
list<T>* replace(list<T>* self, int position, T item)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
li.replace(1, 7); // [1,7,3,4,5]
Replace the item. li is [1,7,3,4,5]. If the element is a heap, the reference count of the replaced element will be -1, and if the reference count is 0, it will be deleted.
アイテムを置き換えます。 liは[1,7,3,4,5]です。要素がヒープの場合置き換える要素はリファレンスカウントが-1されて、リファレンスカウントが0なら削除されます。
int find(list<T>* self, T& item, int default_value)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
li.find(3, -1@default_value); // 2
Returns the position from the beginning of the element matched by equals. In this case it is 2. default_value is the value if not found.
bool equals(list<T>* left, list<T>* right)
[1,2,3].equals([1,2,3]).to_string().puts(); // true
Checks whether the object has the same argument and content. Equals is executed for each element and returns true if it is true for all elements.
list<T>*% sublist(list<T>* self, int begin, int tail)
[1,2,3,4,5].sublist(0,2); // [1,2]
[1,2,3,4,5].sublist(3,-1); // [4,5]
[1,2,3,4,5].sublist(3,-2); // [4]
T&?? operator_load_element(list<T>* self, int position)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
printf("%d\n", li[3]); // 4
printf("%d\n", li[-1]); // 5
printf("%d\n", li[-9999]); // 0
If the index is not found, null check will result in a dynamic error if ?? is not added. Only if the item is a pointer.
アイテムが見つからない場合??をつけないとnull checkが動的エラーとなります。アイテムがポインタの場合だけです。
var li = ["AAA","BBB","CCC"];
var item = li[5]; // runtime error
var li = ["AAA","BBB","CCC"];
var item = li[5]??; // item is null
T& operator_store_element(list<T>* self, int position, T item)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
li[0] = 123; // [123,2,3,4,5]
list<T>*% operator_load_range_element(list<T>* self, int begin, int tail)
var li = [1,2,3,4,5];
li[0..2].to_string().puts(); // [1,2]
li[3..-1].to_string().puts(); // [4,5]
bool operator_equals(list<T>* self, list<T>* right)
[1,2,3] === [1,2,3]; // true
[1,2,2] === [1,2,3]; // false
equals is called for each element.
bool operator_not_equals(list<T>* left, list<T>* right)
[1,2,3] !== [1,2,3]; // false
[1,2,2] !== [1,2,3]; // true
bool contained(list<T>* self, T item)
[1,2,3].contained(3); // true
[1,2,3].contained(4); // false
list<T>*% merge_list_with_lambda(list<T>* left, list<T>* right, int (*compare)(T&,T&))
list<T>*% merge_sort_with_lambda(list<T>* self, int (*compare)(T&,T&))
list<T>*% sort_with_lambda(list<T>* self, int (*compare)(T&,T&))
[3,7,2,5].sort_with_lambda(int lambda(int left, int right) {
if(left < right) {
return -1;
else if(left > right) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
return 0;
}); // [2,3,5,7]
Sort by lambda expression.
list<T>*% merge_list(list<T>* left, list<T>* right)
list<T>*% merge_sort(list<T>* self)
list<T>*% sort(list<T>* self)
[3,7,2,5].sort(); // [2,3,5,7]
template<R> list<R>*% map(list<T>* self, void* parent, R (*block)(void*, T&))
["1","2","3"].map { atoi(it) } // [1,2,3]
Executes an expression on each element and returns a list of results. Type infference only list::map
template<R> list<R>*% map2(list<T>* self, void* parent, R (*block)(void*, T&))
list<T>*% reverse(list<T>* self)
[1,2,3].reverse(); // [3,2,1]
list<T>*% uniq(list<T>* self)
[8,8,2,2,3,3].uniq(); // [8,2,3]
Delete adjacent identical elements. It may not work unless you use sort().
list<T>*% filter(list<T>* self, void* parent, bool (*block)(void*, T&))
[1,2,3,4,5].filter { return it > 2 }; // [3,4,5]
list<T>*% operator_add(list<T>*% left, list<T>*% right)
[1,2,3] + [4,5]; // [1,2,3,4,5]
list<T>*% operator_mult(list<T>* left, int right)
[1,2,3] * 2; // [1,2,3,1,2,3]
string join(list<T>* self, char* sep=" ")
[1,2,3].join("+"); // 1+2+3
map is a dictionary.
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
map<char*, int>*% ma = new map<char*, int>();
ma.insert("AAA", 1);
ma.insert("BBB", 2);
ma.insert("CCC", 3);
foreach(it, ma) {
int item = ma[it];
printf("element %s %d\n", it, item);
return 0;
map<T,T2>*% initialize(map<T,T2>*% self)
var ma = new map<char*,int>();
ma.insert("AAA", 1);
ma.insert("BBB", 2);
ma.insert("CCC", 3).insert("DDD", 4);
map<T,T2>*% initialize_with_values(map<T,T2>*% self, int num_keys, T&* keys, T2&* values)
char* keys[] = { "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD" };
int values[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var ma = new map<char*,int>.initialize_with_values(4, keys, values);
void finalize(map<T,T2>* self)
map<T, T2>*% clone(map<T, T2>* self)
var ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3];
var ma2 = clone ma;
string to_string(map<T,T2>* self)
["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3].to_string().puts(); // [AAA:1,BBB:2,CCC:3]
All elements and keys must implement to_string(). All basic types of comelang have to_string() implemented.
T2& at(map<T, T2>* self, T& key, T2 default_value)
["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3].at("AAA", -1).to_string().puts(); // 1
Takes value by key. This is the value if default_value is not found.
map<T,T2>* remove(map<T, T2>* self, T& key)
var ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3].remove("AAA");
ma.to_string().puts(); // [BBB:2, CCC:3]
Delete value by key.
T& begin(map<T, T2>* self)
T& next(map<T, T2>* self)
bool end(map<T, T2>* self)
It is for foreach. To access all keys:
var ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC"];
foreach(key, ma) {
var item = ma[key];
printf("%s %d\n", key, item);
The output is AAA 1\nBBB 2\n CCC 3\n. foreach(key, ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]) is not possible. Because foreach is a macro, it has meaning. Maybe include foreach in the language specification instead of a macro.
出力はAAA 1\nBBB 2\n CCC 3\nです。 foreach(key, ["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3])とはできません。foreachはマクロのため,が意味を持つためです。 ちょっとforeachをマクロでなく言語仕様に含めるかもしれません。
void rehash(map<T,T2>* self)
For internal use.
map<T,T2>* insert(map<T,T2>* self, T key, T2 item)
var ma = ["AAA":1].insert("BBB",2).insert("CCC",3);
ma.to_string().puts(); // [AAA:1,BBB:2,CCC:3]
map<T,T2>* insert2(map<T,T2>* self, T key, T2 item)
Same as insert. I think it was used with clone. This is because if you only insert it, it will cause an infinite loop.
T2&?? operator_load_element(map<T, T2>* self, T& key)
var ma = ["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3];
var item = ma["AAA"];
item.to_string().puts(); // 1
If the key is not found, null check will result in a dynamic error if ?? is not added. Only if the item is a pointer.
キーが見つからない場合??をつけないとnull checkが動的エラーとなります。アイテムがポインタの場合だけです。
var ma = [1:"AAA",2:"BBB",3:"CCC"];
var item = ma[4]; // runtime error
var ma = [1:"AAA",2:"BBB",3:"CCC"];
var item = ma[4]??; // item is null
T2 operator_store_element(map<T, T2>* self, T key, T2 item)
var ma = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2];
ma["CCC"] = 3;
ma.to_string().puts(); // [AAA:1,BBB:2,CCC:3]
bool equals(map<T, T2>* left, map<T, T2>* right)
["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3].equals(["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3]); // true
["AAA":1].equals(["BBB":2]); // false
bool operator_equals(map<T, T2>* left, map<T,T2>* right)
["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3] === ["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3]; // true
["AAA":1] === ["BBB":2]; // false
bool operator_not_equals(map<T, T2>* left, map<T,T2>* right)
["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3] !== ["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3]; // false
["AAA":1] !== ["BBB":2]; // true
bool find(map<T, T2>* self, T& key)
["AAA":1, "BBB":2].find("AAA"); // true;
["AAA":1, "BBB":2].find("CCC"); // false;
Returns true if the key is included.
map<T,T2>*% operator_add(map<T,T2>* left, map<T,T2>* right)
(["AAA":1] + ["BBB":2]).to_string().puts(); // [AAA:1,BBB:2]
map<T,T2>*% operator_mult(map<T,T2>* left, int right)
(["AAA":1] * 2).to_string().puts(); // [AAA:1,AAA:1]
list<T>*% keys(map<T, T2>* self)
["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3].keys().to_string().puts(); // [AAA,BBB,CCC]
list<T2>*% values(map<T, T2>* self)
["AAA":1, "BBB":2, "CCC":3].values().to_string().puts(); // [1,2,3]
A tuple is a collection of elements of different types. It may be called a simple structure.
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
tuple3<int, int, char*>*% tu = new tuple3<int, int, char*>(1, 2, "ABC");
printf("%d %d %s\n", tu.v1, tu.v2, tu.v3);
return 0;
Up to 5 tuples are defined.
tuple5<int,int,int,string,char*>*% tu = (1,2,3,s"ABC","DEF");
tu.to_string().puts(); // (1,2,3,ABC,DEF)
I think tuple has catch and can be used for simple exception handling.
int, bool div(int a, int b)
if(b == 0) {
return (0, false);
return (a/b, true);
int main(int argc, char* argv)
int value = div(1,0).catch {
puts("0 divition"); // // Enter here because we are dividing by 0. 0で割っているため、ここに入る
printf("value %d\n", value);
return 0;
int, bool have the same meaning as tuple2<int, bool>*%. Used to return multiple values. When you want to store multiple values in each variable, you can use var a,b = div(1,1); Int is placed in a and bool is placed in b.
To access the element, use v1 etc.
int, boolはtuple2<int, bool>*%と同じ意味です。複数の値を返すために使います。複数の値を各変数に格納したい時、個の場合はvar a,b = div(1,1);とすればいいです。aにint, bにboolが入ります。
var tu = (1,2,"ABC");
tu.v1 === 1; // true
tu.v2 === 2; // true
tu.v3 === "ABC"; // true
tup: int, stringはtuple2<int,string>%と同じです。list<tuple2<int,string>%>%の代わりにlist<int, string>%は使えませんが、listtup:int,string*%は使えます。
tup: int, string is the same as tuple2<int,string>%. You cannot use list<int, string>% instead of list<tuple2<int,string>%>%, but you can use listtup:int,string*%.
named tuple
var tup = (x:1, y:2);
puts(s"\{tup.x} \{tup.y}");
int fun(tup(int:xx, int:yy) tup)
puts(s"xx \{tup.xx} yy \{tup.yy}");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var tup = (x:1, y:2);
puts(s"\{tup.x} \{tup.y}");
return 0;
Comparing with list, the random access with index is faster.
vector<T>*% initialize(vector<T>*% self);
vector<T>*% clone(vector<T>* self);
void finalize(vector<T>* self);
vector<T>*% operator_add(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
var v = new vector<int>();
var v2 = new vector<int>();
var v3 = v + v2;
foreach(it, v3) {
it.printf("%d\n"); //1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n
vector<T>*% operator_mult(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
var v = new vector<int>();
var v2 = v * 2;
foreach(it, v3) {
it.printf("%d\n"); //1\n2\n3\n1\n2\n3\n
bool operator_equals(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
var v = new vector<int>();
var v2 = new vector<int>();
v === v2; // false
bool operator_not_equals(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
var v = new vector<int>();
var v2 = new vector<int>();
v !== v2; // true
void operator_store_element(vector<T>* self, int index, T item);
var v = new vector<int>();
v[0] = 7;
foreach(it, v3) {
it.printf("%d\n"); //7\n2\n3\n
T&?? operator_load_element(vector<T>* self, int index);
var v = new vector<int>();
v[0].printf("%d\n"); // 1
vector<T>* push_back(vector<T>* self, T item);
vector<T>* add(vector<T>* self, T item);
T& item(vector<T>* self, int index, T default_value);
bool equals(vector<T>* left, vector<T>* right);
void replace(vector<T>* self, int index, T value);
int find(vector<T>* self, T& item, int default_value);
int length(vector<T>* self);
void reset(vector<T>* self);
T& begin(vector<T>* self);
T& next(vector<T>* self);
bool end(vector<T>* self);
void delete_back(vector<T>* self);
vector<T>*% quick_sort(vector<T>* self, int left, int right, int (*compare_)(T&, T&));
vector<T>*% sort_with_lambda(vector<T>* self, int (*compare_)(T&, T&));
list<T>*% to_list(vector<T>* self);
vector<T>*% sort(vector<T>* self) ;
Buffer is memory that can be appended. Expression of buffer is b"".
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
buffer*% buf = new buffer();
buffer*% buf2 = new buffer();
var p = buf2.to_int_pointer();
printf("%d\n", *p); // 1
printf("%d\n", *p); // 2
printf("%d\n", *p); // 3
return 0;
buffer*% buffer*::initialize(buffer*% self);
var buf = new buffer();
void buffer*::finalize(buffer* self);
buffer*% buffer*::clone(buffer* self);
var buf = new buffer();
var buf2 = clone buf;
int buffer*::length(buffer* self);
var buf = new buffer();
buf.length().to_string().puts(); // 3
Returns the number of bytes of memory.
void buffer*::reset(buffer* self);
var buf = new buffer();
buf.length().to_string().puts(); // 0
Clear memory.
void buffer*::trim(buffer* self, int len);
Delete trailing memory by len.
var buf = new buffer();
buf.to_string().puts(); // ABCD
buffer* buffer*::append(buffer* self, char* mem, size_t size);
Add memory by mem size.
var buf = new buffer();
buf.append("ABCDEFG", 2);
buf.to_string().puts(); // AB
buffer* buffer*::append_char(buffer* self, char c);
buffer* buffer*::append_str(buffer* self, char* str);
buffer* buffer*::append_nullterminated_str(buffer* self, char* str);
buffer* buffer*::append_int(buffer* self, int value);
buffer* buffer*::append_long(buffer* self, long value);
buffer* buffer*::append_short(buffer* self, short value);
Add memory.
buffer* buffer*::alignment(buffer* self);
Align memory.
int buffer*::compare(buffer* left, buffer* right);
Compare the buffer sizes. <0 means smaller on the left, >0 means smaller on the right. == 0 and have the same size. Used in sort.
bufferの大きさを比べます。<0で左が小さい、>0で右が小さい。== 0で同じ大きさです。 sortで使います。
buffer*% string::to_buffer(char* self);
buffer*% char*::to_buffer(char* self);
Convert string to buffer.
var buf = "ABCDEFG".to_buffer();
buf.to_string().puts(); // ABCDEFGHIJ
string buffer*::to_string(buffer* self);
Convert buffer to string.
static inline buffer*% char[]::to_buffer(char* self, size_t len) ;
static inline buffer*% short[]::to_buffer(short* self, size_t len) ;
static inline buffer*% int[]::to_buffer(int* self, size_t len) ;
static inline buffer*% long[]::to_buffer(long* self, size_t len) ;
static inline buffer*% float[]::to_buffer(float* self, size_t len) ;
static inline buffer*% double[]::to_buffer(double* self, size_t len) ;
char a[4] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', '\0' };
var buf = a.to_buffer();
puts(buf.to_string()); // ABC
static inline list<char>*% char[]::to_list(char* self, size_t len) ;
static inline list<short>*% short[]::to_list(short* self, size_t len) ;
static inline list<int>*% int[]::to_list(int* self, size_t len) ;
static inline list<long>*% long[]::to_list(long* self, size_t len) ;
static inline list<float>*% float[]::to_list(float* self, size_t len) ;
static inline list<double>*% double[]::to_list(double* self, size_t len) ;
int a[3] = { 3, 2, 1 };
a.to_list().sort().each {
printf("%d\n", it);
static inline smart_pointer<char>*% char[]::to_pointer(char* self, size_t len) ;
static inline smart_pointer<short>*% short[]::to_pointer(short* self, size_t len) ;
static inline smart_pointer<int>*% int[]::to_pointer(int* self, size_t len) ;
static inline smart_pointer<long>*% long[]::to_pointer(long* self, size_t len) ;
static inline smart_pointer<float>*% float[]::to_pointer(float* self, size_t len) ;
static inline smart_pointer<double>*% double[]::to_pointer(double* self, size_t len) ;
int a[3] = { 3, 2, 1 };
var p = a.to_pointer();
printf("%d\n", *p);
printf("%d\n", *p);
printf("%d\n", *p);
static inline size_t char[]::length(char* self, size_t len) ;
static inline size_t short[]::length(short* self, size_t len) ;
static inline size_t int[]::length(int* self, size_t len) ;
static inline size_t long[]::length(long* self, size_t len) ;
static inline size_t float[]::length(float* self, size_t len) ;
static inline size_t double[]::length(double* self, size_t len) ;
int a[3] = { 3, 2, 1 };
printf("%d\n", a.length());
A memory-safe pointer. Out-of-bounds accesses will not cause a segmentation fault and will display a stack trace. If you want to display the stack trace, you need to compile with the -cg option. If there is no -cg option, the source file name and line number will be displayed and the program will crash.
メモリセーフなポインタです。範囲外アクセスはsegmentaition faultをおこさずスタックトレースを表示します。スタックトレースを表示したい場合-cgオプションでのコンパイルが必要です。-cgオプションがない場合はソースファイル名と行番号を表示して落ちます。
struct smart_pointer<T> {
buffer*% memory;
T* p;
static inline smart_pointer<char>*% buffer*::to_pointer(buffer* self)
var p = "ABCDEFG".to_buffer().to_pointer();
printf("%c\n", *p); // A
printf("%c\n", *p); // B
printf("%c\n", *p); // B
p+=999; // -cgオプションでコンパイルしていた場合スタックフレームを表示して落ちる。-cgオプションがない場合はソースファイル名と行番号を出力して落ちる
// When compiling with the -cg option, the stack frame is displayed and crashes. If there is no -cg option, output the source file name and line number and crash.
static inline smart_pointer<bool>*% buffer*::to_pointer(buffer* self)
static inline smart_pointer<char>*% buffer*::to_char_pointer(buffer* self)
static inline smart_pointer<short>*% buffer*::to_short_pointer(buffer* self)
static inline smart_pointer<int>*% buffer*::to_int_pointer(buffer* self)
static inline smart_pointer<long>*% buffer*::to_long_pointer(buffer* self)
Create a pointer for each type name.
var buf = new buffer();
var p = buf.to_int_pointer();
printf("%d\n", *p); // 1
printf("%d\n", *p); // 2
printf("%d\n", *p); // 3
p++; // 範囲外。落ちるがセグメンテーションフォルトは起こさない。ソースの位置を表示する
// Out of range. It crashes but does not cause a segmentation fault. Show source location
smart_pointer<T>*% initialize(smart_pointer<T>*% self, void* memory, int size)
smart_pointer<T>*% operator_add(smart_pointer<T>* self, int value)
smart_pointer<T>*% operator_sub(smart_pointer<T>* self, int value)
T operator_derefference(smart_pointer<T>* self)
smart_pointer<T>* operator_plus_plus(smart_pointer<T>* self)
smart_pointer<T>* operator_minus_minus(smart_pointer<T>* self)
smart_pointer<T>* operator_plus_equal(smart_pointer<T>* self, int value)
smart_pointer<T>* operator_minus_equal(smart_pointer<T>* self, int value)
static inline smart_pointer<char>*% char[]::to_pointer(char* self, size_t len);
static inline smart_pointer<short>*% short[]::to_pointer(short* self, size_t len);
static inline smart_pointer<int>*% int[]::to_pointer(int* self, size_t len);
static inline smart_pointer<long>*% long[]::to_pointer(long* self, size_t len);
static inline smart_pointer<float>*% float[]::to_pointer(float* self, size_t len);
static inline smart_pointer<double>*% double[]::to_pointer(double* self, size_t len);
int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
var p = a.to_pointer();
printf("%d\n", *p); // 1
printf("%d\n", *p); // 2
p += 6; // don't segmentaion fault. print out err
bool as_bool(smart_pointer<T>* self)
Extracts memory as bool.
char as_char(smart_pointer<T>* self)
Extracts memory as char.
var p = "ABCDEFG".to_buffer().to_pointer();
p.as_char(); // A
short as_short(smart_pointer<T>* self)
var p = "ABCDEFG".to_buffer().to_pointer();
p.as_shart(); // バイト列ABをshortとして表した値
// Value representing byte string AB as short
int as_int(smart_pointer<T>* self)
long as_long(smart_pointer<T>* self)
float as_float(smart_pointer<T>* self)
double as_double(smart_pointer<T>* self)
string to_string(smart_pointer<T>* self)
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
puts(xsprintf("%d", 1 + 1)); // ==> 2
puts(string("ABC").substring(0, 1)); // ==> "A"
return 0;
int string::length(char* str);
s"ABC".length(); // 3
int char*::length(char* str);
"ABC".length(); // 3
string char*::substring(char* str, int head, int tail);
string string::substring(char* str, int head, int tail);
"ABC".substring(0,2); // AB
string string::operator_load_range_element(char* str, int head, int tail);
string char*::operator_load_range_element(char* str, int head, int tail);
"ABC"[0..2]; // AB
string char*::reverse(char* str) ;
string string::reverse(char* str) ;
"ABC".reverse(); // CBA
string xsprintf(char* msg, ...);
var str = xsprintf("%d+%d+%d", 1,2,3); // 1+2+3
static inline string string::xsprintf(char* self, char* msg, ...)
static inline string char*::xsprintf(char* self, char* msg, ...)
s"ABC".xsprintf("[%s]").puts(); // [ABC]
static inline string int::xsprintf(int self, char* msg, ...)
[1,2,3,4,5].item(0, -1).xsprintf("[%d]\n").puts(); // [1]
string char*::delete(char* str, int head, int tail) ;
string string::delete(char* str, int head, int tail);
var str = s"ABCDEFG".delete(0,1); // CDEFG
list<string>*% string::split_char(char* self, char c) ;
list<string>*% char*::split_char(char* self, char c);
s"A,B,C".split_char(','); // [A,B,C]
path related wrapper
string xrealpath(char* path);
string version of realpath(3)
xrealpath("/aaa/../bbb"); // /bbb
string xbasename(char* path);
string version of basename(3)
string xextname(char* path);
return extension
string xdirname(char* path);
return directory
string xnoextname(char* path);
Returns the file name without the extension.
int FILE*::write(FILE* f, char* str);
FILE* f = fopen("AAA", "a");
I just made it object oriented.
string FILE*::read(FILE* f);
int FILE*::fclose(FILE* f) ;
int* FILE*::fprintf(FILE* f, const char* msg, ...);
FILE* f = fopen("AAA", "a"9;
f.fprintf("%d\n", 1+1);
similar 同様
list<string>*% FILE*::readlines(FILE* f);
"AAA\nBBB\nCCC\n".write("FILE", append:true);
FILE* f = fopen("FILE", "r");
var li = f.readlines();
li[0].puts(); // AAA
li[1].puts(); // BBB
li[2].puts(); // CCC
int fopen_block(const char* path, const char* mode, void* parent, void (*block)(void* parent, FILE* f));
I forgot. do not use. Just fclose automatically after the block is released.
int string::write(char* self, char* file_name, bool append=false);
int char*::write(char* self, char* file_name, bool append=false) ;
string char*::read(char* file_name) ;
string string::read(char* file_name) ;
"ABC".write("FILE-NAME", append:true);
"ABC".write("FILE-NAME", append:true);
"ABC".write("FILE-NAME", append:true);
"FILE-NAME".read().puts(); // ABC\nABC\nABC
If append:false, no appending will be done. append:false is the parameter label. Easy to view source files. It is also good to use true@append and annotations.
append:falseだと追記なし。append:falseはパラメーターラベル。ソースファイルが見やすい。 true@appendとアノテーションを使うのもいい。
void int::times(int self, void* parent, void (*block)(void* parent, int it));
3.times { puts("HO!"); } // HO!HO!HO!
I just want to write shocking code in Ruby.
struct integer
long value;
integer*% integer*::initialize(integer*% self, long value);
integer*% char::to_integer(char self);
integer*% short::to_integer(short self);
integer*% int::to_integer(int self);
integer*% long::to_integer(long self);
int integer*::to_int(integer* self);
bool integer::equals(integer* self, integer* right);
int integer::compare(integer* self, integer* right);
bool integer::operator_equals(integer* self, integer* right);
bool integer::operator_not_equals(integer* self, integer* right);
int integer::operator_add(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_sub(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_mult(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_div(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_mod(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_lshift(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_rshift(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_gteq(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_lteq(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_lt(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_gt(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_and(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_xor(integer* left, integer* right);
int integer::operator_or(integer* left, integer* right);
Well, the heap version of the numeric type. I'm sure you could have written it like this.
int fun(int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456)
printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", x, y, z);
struct sData
int x;
int y;
int z;
int sData*::fun(sData* self, int x = 123, int y = 345, int z = 456)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.z = z;
void sData*::show(sData* self)
printf("x %d y %d z %d\n", self.x, self.y, self.z);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
fun(); // x 123 y 345 z 456 are outputed
fun(y:2); // x 123 y 2 z 456
fun(y:1, x:3); // x 3 y 1 z 456
fun(1); // x 1 y 345 z 456
fun(1,2); // x 1 y 2 z 456
sData data;
(&data).show(); // x 123 y 345 z 456
(&data).fun(y:2); // x 123 y 2 z 456
(&data).show(); // x 123 y 2 z 456
(&data).show(); // x 1 y 345 z 456
return 0;
string char*::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
string string::operator_mult(char* str, int n);
bool char*::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);
bool string::operator_equals(char* left, char* right);
"ABC" * 3 // => "ABCABCABC"
[1,2] * 3 // => [1,2,1,2,1,2]
"ABC" === "ABC" // => true
"ABC !== "DEF" // => true
[1,2] + [3] // => [1,2,3]
auto ma1 = ["AAA":1, "BBB":2]
xassert("map test", ma1["AAA"] == 1)
ma1["CCC"] = 3
+ operator_add
- operator_sub
* operator_mult
/ operator_div
% operator_mod
=== operator_equals
!== operator_not_equals
> operator_gt
>= operator_gteq
< operator_le
<= operator_leeq
[x] = y operator_store_element
[x] operator_load_element
! operator_logical_denial
<< operator_left_shift
>> operator_right_shift
& operator_and
^ operator_xor
| operator_or
~ operator_commplement
#include <stdio.h>
int fun(char* str) version 1
return 1;
int fun(char* str) version 2
int n = inherit(str);
return n + 1;
int fun(char* str) version 3
int n = inherit(str);
return n + 1;
int main()
if(fun("HELLO MIXIN-LAYERS") == 3) {
return 0;
int fun(bool flag)
if(flag) {
else {
int main()
return 0;
@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]* is a comment of expression.
#include <comelang.h>
int, string fun(int n, string m)
return (n, m);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var n, m = fun(1, string("AAA"));
printf("n %d m %s\n", n, m);
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
interface sBase
void show();
struct sChildA
int x;
int y;
int z;
string str;
sChildA*% sChildA*::initialiize(sChildA*% self)
self.x = 1;
self.y = 2;
self.z = 3;
self.str = string("ABC");
return self;
void sChildA*::show(sChildA* self)
printf("x %d y %d z %d str %s\n", self.x, self.y, self.z, self.str);
struct sChildB
int X;
int Y;
int Z;
sChildB*% sChildB*::initialize(sChildB*% self)
self.X = 111;
self.Y = 222;
self.Z = 333;
return self;
void sChildB*::show(sChildB* self)
printf("X %d Y %d Z %d\n", self.X, self.Y, self.Z);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
list<sBase*%>*% li = new list<sBase*%>();
li.add(new sChildA() implements sBase);
li.add(new sChildB() implements sBase);
foreach(it, v) {;
return 0;
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int* b = null;
printf("null check %p\n", b!);
return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
b.c 7: null check
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>
void fun(int* b)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int*? b = nil;
return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
a.c 11: null check
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>
void fun(int*? b)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int*? b = nil;
return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
(no called checking null)
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
a.c 5: null check
nil can be assigned to a variable marked with ?. When assigned to a variable without ?, it is dynamically checked to see if it is null. (Does not cause segmentation fault) Cast if you don't want to cause a check.
> vin a.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char*? b = nil;
return 0;
> comleang2 a.c
> ./a
Segmantion fault
If you do not want to cause a check, please add ??
char*? a = nil;
puts(a); /// -cg displays stack frames. If -cg is not specified, display the source file name and line number.-cgをつけているとスタックフレームを表示する。-cgをつけてない場合はソースファイル名と行番号を表示する
puts((char*)a); // segmentation fault. セグメンテーションフォルト
Null can be assigned to any variable. If you want to check whether it is null or not, please add !.
char*?? fun()
return null;
int main()
char* m = fun();
return 0;
Null checker ocurrs runtime error
char*?? fun()
return null;
int main()
char* m = fun()??;
return 0;
m is null
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using c { int a = (1,2); } // no error. It's comman operator and brace
int a = (1,2); // error. It's tuple
return 0;
> vin a.h
static inline int fun()
return (1,2);
> vin a.c
using C
#include "a.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return fun(); // no error. It's comma operator and brace
int main(int argc, char* argv)
string a = s"abc";
puts(a); // abc
string b = S"def";
puts(b); // def
int c = 123;
puts(s"c == \{c}"); // c == 123;
puts(s"1 + 1 == \{1+1}"); // 1+1 == 2;
return 0;
and or or is like perl
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int a = 123;
return 0;
It's useless because of cpp. Don't use.
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
3.times {
printf("%d\n", it);
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
["1", "2", "3"].map { return atoi(it); }.filter { return it > 1}.each { printf("%d\n",it); }
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
3.times {
printf("%d\n", it);
return 0;
> comelang new xyz
> cd xyz
> cat <EOS > a.c
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return fun(0, 0);
>cat <EOS > b.c
int fun(int a, int b)
return a + b;
> comelang header
(make header file named common.h)
> comelang compile
(compile with -O2 option)
> comelang run
(compile with -O2 option)
> comelang header
(make header file named common.h)
> comelang debug
(compile with -g and -cg option)
> comelang clean
(clean up tmp files)
> comelang install (target-directory:default is /usr/local)
(install command file to target-directory)
auto included common.h
with -str option to comandline.
#include <comelang.h>
#include <comelang-str.h>
int main()
xassert("char_match test", "ABC".match(/A/));
xassert("char_index test", "ABC".index("B", -1) == 1);
xassert("char_rindex test", "ABCABC".rindex("B", -1) == 4);
xassert("char_index_regex", "ABC".index_regex(/B/, -1) == 1);
xassert("char_rindex_regex", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/B/, -1) == 4);
string str = string("ABC");
str.replace(1, 'C');
xassert("char_replace", str === "ACC"))
xassert("char_multiply", "ABC".multiply(2) === "ABCABC");
xassert("char_sub", "ABC".sub(/B/, "C" === "ACC");
xassert("char_sub_count", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/B/g, "C", 2) === "ACCACCABC");
auto li = "ABC".scan(/./);
xassert("char_scan", li[0] === "A" && li[1] === "B" && li[2] === "C");
auto li2 = "A,B,C".split(/,/);
xassert("char_split", li2[0] === "A" && li2[1] === "B" && li2[2] == "C");
auto li3 = "A,B,C".split_char(',');
xassert("char_split_char", li3[0] === "A" && li3[1] === "B" && li3[2] === "C");
auto li4 = "A,,B,,C".split_str(",,");
xassert("char_split_str", li4[0] === "A" && li4[1] === "B" && li4[2] === "C");
auto li5 = "A,,B,,C".split_maxsplit(/,,/, 1);
xassert("char_split_maxsplit", li5[0] === "A" && li5[1] === "B,,C");
xassert("char_delete", "ABC".delete(0,1) === "BC);
xassert("wchar_substring", wstring("ABC").substring(0,1) === wstring("A"));
auto li6 = "A,B,C".split_str(",");
xassert("join", li6.join(" ") === "A B C");
auto li7 = "A,B,C".split(/,/g);
xassert("split test", li7[0] === "A" && li6[1] === "B" && li7[2] === "C");
xassert("index_count test", "ABCABC".index_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 3);
xassert("index_regex_count test", "ABCABC".index_regex_count(/ABC/g, 2, -1) == 3);
xassert("rindex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_count("ABC", 2, -1) == 0);
xassert("rindex_regex_count test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex_count(/CBA/g, 2, -1) == 0);
xassert("rindex_regex test", "ABCABC".rindex_regex(/CBA/, -1) == 5);
xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 3));
xassert("match_count test", "ABCABCABC".match_count(/ABC/, 4) == false);
xassert("sub_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_count(/ABC/g, "X", 2) === "XXABC");
xassert("sub_block test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block(/ABC/g) { string("X"); } === "XXX");
xassert("sub_block_count test", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { string("X"); } === "XXABC");
xassert("sub_block_count test2", "ABCABCABC".sub_block_count(/ABC/g, 2) { it.substring(0,1); } === "AAABC");
xassert("scan_block test", "123 456 789".scan_block(/\d\d\d/g) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "147");
xassert("scan_block_count test", "123 456 789".scan_block_count(/\d\d\d/g, 2) { it.substring(0, 1); }.join("") === "14");
auto li8 = "ABC".scan(/./);
xassert("scan test", li8[0] === "A" && li8[1] === "B" && li8[2] === "C");
var bufX = "ABC".to_buffer();
xassert("to_buffer test", bufX.to_string() === "ABCDEF");
xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block(/,/) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "ADG");
xassert("split block test", "ABC,DEF,GHI".split_block_count(/,/, 2) { it.substring(0,1); }.join("") === "AD");
xassert("regex test", "ABC".scan(/./).join("") === "ABC");
xassert("regex equals test", /aaa/g === /aaa/g);
list<string>*% group_strings = new list<string>();
int num_group_strings_in_regx = 0;
"id: abc mail: [email protected]".scan_group_strings(/(\w+):/, group_strings, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
xassert("regex scan group strings test", group_strings[0] === "id" && group_strings[1] === "mail" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 1);
list<string>*% group_strings2 = new list<string>();
"id: abc mail: [email protected]".scan_group_strings(/(\w+): ([\w@.]+)/, group_strings2, &num_group_strings_in_regx);
xassert("regex scan group strings test2", group_strings2[0] === "id" && group_strings2[1] === "abc" && group_strings2[2] === "mail" && group_strings2[3] === "[email protected]" && num_group_strings_in_regx == 2);
return 0;
/193(#)#"00~|{}|{/.rescue { /* Catch invalid regex */ }
r"" is also regex string.
r"((((((((".rescue { null }.if { "AAA".scan(Value).to_string().puts(); }
no ouput
r".".rescue { null }.if { "AAA".scan(Value).to_string().puts(); }
> vin a.c
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var p = s"ABC".to_buffer().to_pointer();
printf("%c\n", *p);
printf("%c\n", *p);
return 0;
> comelang a.c
> ./a
a.c 9: out of range of smart pointer(2)
> vin a.c
#include <comelang.h>
int fun()
return 0;
int fun2()
return fun();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
> comelang -cg a.c
> ./a
a.c 5
a.c 11
a.c 16
for debugging. require -cg option.
#include <comelang.h>
record void fun()
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
append record attribute to show stackframe. It's not required -cg option
> vin a.c
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
printf("%d\n", (a + 1)!{a, a + 3});
return 0;
> comelang -cg a.c
> ./a
> vin a.c
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
printf("%d\n", (a + 5)!{a, a + 3});
return 0;
> comelang -cg a.c
> ./a
a.c 7: range check error
libcomelang.c 96
a.c 7
require -cg option for show stackframe()
> comelang new x
> cd x; vin a.c
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int a[3];
printf("%d\n", a[4]);
return 0;
> comelang debug
comelang header -common-header a.c
comelang -common-header -gdwarf-4 -cg -c a.c -o a.debug.o
comelang -common-header -gdwarf-4 -cg a.debug.o -o x-debug
rm -f *.log
a.c 8: range check error
a.c 8 #208
make: *** [Makefile:90: debug] Error 2
system: No error information
template<R> R fun(R x, R y)
return x + y;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
type inference is enabled.
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
[1,2,3].map { it.to_string() }.each { puts(it); }
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
void fun()
var a = gc_inc(new int);
*a = 123;
printf("%d\n", *a);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
~/comelang # comelang a.c
~/comelang # ./a
1 memory leaks. 1 alloc, 0 free.If you require debugging, copmpile with -cg option
~/comelang # comelang -cg a.c
~/comelang # ./a
a.c 9
a.c 16
#1 (int): a.c 16, a.c 5,
1 memory leaks. 1 alloc, 0 free.
~/comelang #
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
int x;
int y;
new(int x, int y)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
void show()
printf("x %d y %d\n", self.x, self.y);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
sData*% data = new sData(111, 222);;
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
int x;
int y;
new(int x, int y)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
void show()
printf("x %d y %d\n", self.x, self.y);
class sData2 extends sData
int z;
new(int x, int y, int z)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.z = z;
interface sDataRun
void show();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
sData*% data = new sData(111, 222);;
sData2*% data2 = new sData2(1, 2, 3);;
sDataRun*% inf = new sData2(1,2,3) implements sDataRun;;
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
int x;
int y;
new(int x, int y)
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
void show()
printf("x %d y %d\n", self.x, self.y);
class sData2 extends sData
int z;
new(int x, int y, int z)
self.z = z;
void show()
printf("z %d\n", self.z);
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
new(int x, int y)
int self.x = x;
int self.y = y;
void show()
printf("x %d y %d\n", self.x, self.y);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
sData*% data = new sData(111, 222);;
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
module MModule<T>
T a;
T b;
class sData
include MModule<int>;
new(int a, int b) {
self.a = a;
self.b = b;
void show() {
printf("%d %d\n", self.a, self.b);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var data = new sData(111, 222);;
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
class sData
string data;
new() { = string("A");
void user_finalize() {
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var data = new sData();
return 0;
user_finalize is for use to non-memory management routine at finalize.
This is no memory leak.
> vin a.h
using c
#include <stdio.h>
extern int gGlobalVar;
uniq int gGlobalVar = 777;
uniq void fun()
printf("%d\n", gGlobalVar);
> vin a.c
#include "a.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
> vin b.c
#include "a.h"
void fun2()
> comelang -c b.c
> comelang a.c b.c.o
> ./a
uniq function and global variable added to main module. In other module, not defined contents.
Don't include comelang-str.h, comelang-net.h and comelang-pthread.h. Inlucde comelang.h only. It depends standard c library only. If you get c source depends standard c library only, use to "comelang -s"
Please use the C language extension library. The strength of comelang is that the C library can be used as is.
See libcomelang-net.c and comelang-net.h
with -net option to comandline.
[1,2,3].map{ return it.to_string(); }.each { puts(it); }
<=> [1,2,3].map { it.to_string() }.each { puts(it); ]
Omitting semicolon at the function block end means return statment.
#include <comelang.h>
exception int fun(int a)
printf("%d\n", a);
return none(s"ERR");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int b = fun(a:111).rescue {
printf("b %d\n", b);
return 0;
b 111
#include <comelang.h>
exception int fun(int a)
printf("%d\n", a);
return none(s"ERR");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int b = fun(a:111);
printf("b %d\n", b);
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
exception int fun(int a)
printf("in fun %d\n", a);
return none(s"Err");
exception int fun2(int a)
printf("in fun2 a %d\n", a);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int b = fun2(a:111);
printf("b %d\n", b);
return 0;
in fun 111
in fun2 a 111
#include <comelang.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string x = strcmp("A", "B").case {
(Value < 0) { puts("Lesser"); puts("UHO!"); s"AAA" }
(Value == 0) { puts("Equal"); s"BBB" }
(Value > 0) { puts("Greater"); s"CCC" }
string y = strcmp("A", "A").case {
(Value == 0) s"Equal" }
else s"Not Equal"
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
char*% fun(int a)
if(a == 0) {
return null;
else {
return xsprintf("%d", a);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string a = fun(1).case {
(Value == null) s"null"
else Value + "X"
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
char*% fun(int a)
if(a == 0) {
return null;
else {
return xsprintf("%d", a);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string a = fun(0).elif {
puts(a); // "null"
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
char*% fun(int a)
if(a == 0) {
return null;
else {
return xsprintf("%d", a);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string a = fun(1).elif {
puts(a); // "1"
return 0;
if omitting else block or statment, the value of expression is result value.
#include <comelang.h>
int fun()
return 0;
int fun2()
return -1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int n = fun().less { // n == 0 block not runned
return 1;
int m = fun2().less { // block runned
return 1;
return 0;
UNIX library and systemcall error handling
Pattern matching block should return the value at the end of blocks.
Pattern matchin can use wildcard.
[1,2,3].case {
(Value === [wildcard, 2, 3]) {
else {
puts("NO MATCH");
struct Data { int a; int b; };
Data{a:123, b:234}.case {
(Value === Data {a:wildcard, b:234}) {
else {
puts("NO MATCH");
["AAA":1,"BBB":2,"CCC":3].case {
(Value === [wildcard:wildcard, "BBB":2, "CCC":3]) {
else {
puts("NO MATCH");
#include <comelang.h>
struct sData
integer*% a;
integer*% b;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var data = sData { a:123, b:234 }; {
(Value === sData { a:wildcard, b:234 }) {
else {
puts("NO MATCH");
return 0;
Example for fopen
fopen("AAA", "r").if {
fprintf(Value, "UHO!");
else {
fopen("AAA", "r").case {
(Value) {
fprintf(Value, "UHO!");
(Value == NULL) {
FILE* f = fopen("AAA", "r").elif {
fprintf(f, "UHO!");
#include <comelang.h>
struct sData
int a;
int b;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var data = sData { a:123, b:234 };
data.to_string().puts(); // sData {a:123,b:234}
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
struct sData<T>
T a;
T b;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
var data = sData<integer*%> { a:123, b:234 }; {
(Value === sData<integer*%>(a:wildcard, b:234) {
else {
puts("NO MATCH");
data.to_string().puts(); // sData {a:123,b:234}
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
#include <comelang-pthread.h>
int fun(int a, int b)
printf("%d %d\n", a, b);
return 3;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int@ a = __channel__;
int@ b = __channel__;
var thread = come {
fun(1, 2);
a <- 111;
a <- 222;
b <- 222;
come_poll {
a {
printf("a %d\n", <-a);
b {
printf("b %d\n", <-b);
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
struct sData
int a;
int b;
string c;
struct sData2
string a;
sData~ fun()
var result = new sData~;
result.c = s"AAA";
return result;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
list<sData~>*% li = new list<sData~>();
li.add(new sData~ { c:s"BBB" });
list<sData2~>*% li2 = new list<sData2~>();
li2.add(new sData2~ { a:s"AAA"});
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
struct sData
int a;
int b;
string c;
struct sData2
int a;
string b;
void sData::fun(sData* self)
void sData2*::fun(sData2* self) {
struct sData3<T>
T a;
T b;
impl sData3<T>
generate void fun(sData3<T>* self, T a) {;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// list<list<sData~>~>*% li3 = new list<list<sData~>~>();
list<sData~>*% li = new list<sData*%~>();
li.add(new sData*%~ { c:s"WIN" });
list<sData2~>*% li2 = new list<sData2*%~>();
li2.add(new sData2*%~ { b:s"WIN2" });
sData3<sData~>*% data1 = new sData3<sData~>; sData~ { c:s"WIN" });
sData3<sData2~>*% data2 = new sData3<sData2~>; sData2~ { b:s"WIN" });
return 0;
#include <comelang.h>
dynamic struct sData
int a;
string b;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
list<sData~>*% li = new list<sData~>();
li.add(new sData { b:s"ABC" });
return 0;
LLVM-C++, LLVM-C, Cトランスパイラと、このコンパイラは実は3作目なんですが、ようやく満足のいくヒープシステムが作れました。
This is actually my third compiler, including LLVM-C++, LLVM-C, and the C transpiler, but I was finally able to create a heap system that I was satisfied with.
This language also has a Ruby-like string library.
I guess I liked Ruby after all. I love it so much that I've created three Ruby-like products: a Ruby-like shell, a Ruby-like Java, and a Ruby-like compiler.
Well, have fun programming. Enjoy your social life too. Don't program so much that you sacrifice your social life.
If you are careful about this, programming will give you the best moments when it works as you want.