By the end of the class you will be familiar with most Python concepts and will be ready to start coding in Python.
- Completed the Python Fundamentals course before attending this class
- Dedicated to spending time to learn Python during the live course
- Basic googling skills or using ChatGPT to get answers
- Must have installed Python in your system
- Basics of git if you want to clone this repo to follow the course in your local environment
- Understand most concepts in Python
- Understand Python programming ideologies
- Write quick scripts using Python
Use this link to get started in your own browser: Basic Python course materials
- Make sure you have Python installed. Follow the guide in the official Python documentation on how to do it for different operating systems: Windows, Mac, or Unix systems.
- Make sure you have Git installed. Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change directory to the new one:
cd basic-python
- Recommended creating a virtual environment to install the dependencies:
python -m venv .venv
- Activate virtual environment: On Windows
and on Linuxsource .venv/bin/activate
- Install all the dependencies in the virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run Jupyter Lab:
jupyter lab
💻 Working as a software engineer at Intel 🎓 Masters in Software Engineering and another Masters in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 🛠️ Worked on backend application development, DevOps, SCM tools and BigData analysis 🌟 Loves to build clean, efficient and scalable systems 😃 Outside of work, I spend my time playing games, watching anime and TV shows