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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Our project is designed to help users that require an additional push to reach their health goals. Whether the user is trying to gain or lose weight, our application will make food recommendations based on the goal each user sets. By consistently reminding our users of the goal they set and by providing food options that coincide with those goals, our target group of UCI college students should see improvements in their dietary regime. Each user should realize that the application is tailored to them and have the urge to continue using it to further their health goals. We want the process of making food recommendations to be as simple as possible and this is what we believe will bring users back.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Health / Recommendations Engine
  • Mobile: iPhone App Only
  • Story: Take in user data stream to provide users with Personalized and Contextual food recommendations.
  • Market: UCI Students, Staff and Faculty
  • Habit: The app should be used constantly and food journal be updated regularly

Product Spec

1. User Stories

Required Must-have Stories

  • [fill in your required user stories here]
  • ...

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • [fill in your required user stories here]
  • ...

2. Screen Archetypes

  • [list first screen here]
    • [list associated required story here]
    • ...
  • [list second screen here]
    • [list associated required story here]
    • ...

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • [fill out your first tab]
  • [fill out your second tab]
  • [fill out your third tab]

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • [list first screen here]
    • [list screen navigation here]
    • ...
  • [list second screen here]
    • [list screen navigation here]
    • ...


[Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]

[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype


[This section will be completed in Unit 9]


[Add table of models]


  • [Add list of network requests by screen ]
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]


CS 125 Health App






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