common unknowledge
// ---Life is a single sign-on LIFO queue. // ---Learn about the difference between the primary and the secondary process.
natural languages:
- japanese - greatest language on earth importance 5/5
- english - internet importance 5/5
- french - european culture, old stuff importance 3/5
- tonal languages
programming languages for the philosophers out there
- haskell - classical lazyness - the way people think
- prolog - horn clauses - two way programming
- maude - term rewriting - yet another different way to think
- assembly/c - internals - easy as a pie
- agda, coq, idris - software and math verification is badly needed
- sql - hidden elephant in the room
- understand what crayons really are
for the common folk
c++ - useful ugliness
java - good bad language
python, js - bad good language
rust - better c
lisp/scheme - you're so clever, but learn about the types.
make sure you know about programming languages history. algol, cobol, forth, mainframes, weaving machines, etc
errors in programming languages
- garbage collectors - bad design, code bloat, one of the biggest unacknowledged mistakes in programming language design.
medicinal plants: unless you've tried them all you're stupid and don't know it, therefore possibly harmful for others. language catalysts:
- cannabis exp 2/3
- fractal flowers
- mushrooms exp 2/3
- seek & find
- dmt exp 5/5
- divine moments of truth
other plants:
- green tea exp 1/5
- coffee 2/5
- salvia
- tobacco - don't smoke in public
medicinal music: - prerecorded - psytrance and related genres - live - anything
law makers:
- use git or get lost; stop this diarrhea, more is not better.
religions: learn about programming languages first, or you'll not understand anything at all.
- if you differ significantly from buddhism you're in error
- christianity - unless you're a mathematician, choose a different religion; most popes did not understand it; hints - don't hang people on crosses, don't hang gods on crosses either, don't hang dolls on crosses, don't "practice" voodoo, you idiots.
- buddhism - you're all set
- islam, judaism - you're not the chosen ones, sorry; stop fighting you idiots; god is not on your side, hint: you were not the ones who visited the moon. learn about other religions to understand your own, they have some good ideas and some bad ones.
- bon, shinto, shamanism, animism, etc. - yeah.
- sikhs - yea
- hindhuism - nice myths, good to know.
- if you're religion was not parodied, you may as well forget about it.
- if you drink alcohol, your religion is a bachus greek sect - don't be fooled, extremely dangerous idiots. smoke weed or vaporize.
- get art from an artist
- absolute pitch matters
- if you haven't mixed, you're not a dj, conversly, you no nothing of importance. the japanese took over the world and you haven't noticed.
- dont eat animals, especially mammals, you're a mammal, aren't you? bible says you can eat animals? would you kill one? bible says many things. don't copy everything you read.
- money is a proxy for stupidity, don't think otherwise; fractional reserve banking is a scam, maybe biggest in history
- calendars are a hidden power, don't abuse it
- don't write non free software, don't build non-free hardware - or you're wasting everyone's time
- "intelectual property", "patents", "copyright" - no, no, no. you haven't really invented anything on your own, don't put others on a disadvantage
- don't shave - everything is a quantum computer, hair being its terminal, hair shaving is a major source of errors
- wars, euthanasia, judicial murders, killings, etc. - don't help people commit suicide - provide medicinal plants instead
- don't fall for "scientific" scams - examples co2, viruses - diseases are either deadly or contagious, not both, for obvious reasons
- air particulates are a grave danger, don't ignore it
- science is magic for the common folk, the world is immaterial, sooner or later everybody finds out
- don't drill holes in rocks, you're not a climber but an idiot with a drill
- don't do anything stupid, don't be a useful idiot, don't scam others
- if you've ever commited any crime, "legal" or not, against your own children - you're a life robber of a worst kind and it is justful for you to lose everything, burn in hell.