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pweb is a generator for web based photo albums. It uses a config file that provides the parameters.

pweb uses a web-assembly program to dynamically generate the web pages using XML data files as the source. There are 2 types of XML files used, album and gallery. An album essentially points to a list of other albums and galleries, and is used as a navigation menu. A gallery is a collection of images presented as a set of thumbnail pages; separate images can be selected, viewed, downloaded etc.

EXIF tags and metadata is used to add titles, or selectively filter the list by rating etc.

My own photo web site is an example of an extensive web site built by pweb.

The main goals for pweb is:

  • Minimise the effort required to make a web gallery from a set of images.
  • Take advantage of the hierarchial layout of albums and galleries.
  • Use the available workflow tools to add ratings and captions.
  • Easily maintain and update existing galleries.
  • Optimise the speed of building galleries.

Using pweb, it is possible to take a set of images and insert these as a new gallery into an existing web site by just a couple of simple commands. Maximum advantage is taken of concurrent image processing so that creating or updating galleries can be very fast.


Web pages built by pweb are simple to navigate. For albums, a list of sub-albums and galleries is presented, and clicking on the item will navigate to the selected album or gallery. Clicking the title of the album will typically navigate back to the upper referencing album. A swipe down or pressing the Up or Left arrow will also navigate back to the referencing album.

Galleries are where the images are displayed. A gallery is presented as one or more pages of thumbnails. Each thumbnail may have a headline or caption displayed as part of the thumbnail. Thumbnail pages can be navigated using keyboard shortcuts such as arrow keys. Home and End will jump to the first or last of the images. If there are multiple pages of thumbnails, a page list will be displayed at the top - clicking the page number will jump to that page of thumbnails. Page Up and Page Down will also jump to the previous or next page of thumbnails. Hitting Enter when an image is highlighted will display a full page view of that image (clicking any of the thumbnails will also show the image).

Once the full sized image page is shown, right/left arrow keys will allow next/previous images to be displayed (there are also link in the corners). A link at the top allows returning back to the thumbnail page (pressing Up arrow will also return back to the thumbnail page).

For mobile devices, left/right swipes on the thumbnail page will go to the next/previous thumbnail pages. When showing the full sized image, swipes will show the next or previous images. Swiping down will return to the thumbnail page.

The web pages are responsive to window resizing, displaying more or less thumbnails as necessary.

Directory Organisation

The intent is that photos are stored separately from the actual web pages, and that pweb will perform all the necessary processing to create a web gallery for the photos, resizing and copying them to the web site.

A typical web site directory layout may be:

  [base directory]
    |_ index.html
        |_ index.html
             |_ index.html
                  |_ t
                  |_ p
                  |_ d
             |_ index.html
                  |_ t
                  |_ p
        |_ index.html
             |_ index.html

Each directory either contains an album or a gallery. The directory layout basically follows the navigation layout of the web site (clicking on albums or galleries will step to that directory).

Gallery directories have subdirectories created for thumbnails (t), medium sized preview images (p) and if configured, download (d). These directories are created or removed as necessary.

The index.html file is used for both albums and galleries, and is basically just used for loading the web assembly program. When a gallery is created or updated, pweb will append the new gallery to the album that is meant to reference the gallery, and generate the necessary gallery.xml file and install the index.html file to the target web page directory. Top level albums that reference other albums will need to be initially created (usually by copying and modifying an existing album.xml file).


A typical workflow for using pweb to generate new galleries may be:

  1. Take photos.
  2. Process the photos using your favourite raw converter, adding titles and a rating.
  3. Create a config file that contains all the appropriate information that pweb requires to generate the web pages (see below). Often it's easiest to cut'n'paste an existing config file.
  4. Run pweb with the config file as an argument (if none is provided, the default file .web is used).

The web pages and resized image files are generated and placed in the location provided in the config file, and the album referencing the gallery is updated. pweb may be run at any time using the same config file to update or regenerate the gallery, typically if photos need to be added or removed from the gallery. The modification time on the images is used to check whether the web images need to be regenerated.

The EXIF metadata on the images may be used to provide image headlines/captions, and the XMP Rating can be used to filter the selected photos.

The XMP rating is a useful method of filtering images, and is supported by most raw conversion processors. In the event that images are not being processed through a workflow that allows setting of a XMP rating and captions, there is a separate program called ptag that can be used to add a rating and a caption to an existing image.

Image Selection

A key part of pweb is the selection of images to be used in the gallery being generated. Images are selected in the config file via the include and exclude directives. The order of images is maintained according to the config file, unless date or name sorting is selected.

The process for selecting the final list of images is:

  • Use one or more include directives in the config file to provide a list of image filenames. These filenames may be wildcarded (along with brace expansion). If no include directives are configured, a default list is set (*.jpg).
  • A similar set of exclude directives allows selected files to be excluded
  • The after and before keywords allow wildcarded files to be added after or before a specific image.
  • A rating and select directive allows filtering by XMP Rating values. rating operates as a value (i.e all images rated that value or higher are included). select will only include images that have the matching rating (multiple ratings values may be selected). select is useful when ratings are used to group images in separate categories. Galleries can then be created with combinations of the categories.

Config file

The config file is a series of lines, with each line containing a keyword followed by a ':', and then optional arguments. Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.

A typical config file appears:

title: Day 2 & 3: Climbing Mount Kinabalu
dir: hiking/asia/kinabalu-2015/climb
include: day-2/*.jpg
include day-3/*.jpg
up: ../index.html
rating: 2

There is only one required configuration keyword, dir, that specifies the directory of the web site (relative to the base directory) where the generated gallery is to be placed. All other config directives either have defaults or are optional.

The directives are:

Keyword Arguments Example Description
dir directory-name hiking/usa/yosemite The dir keyword defines the directory where the generated web pages will be written. The directory is relative to the base web directory set in the pweb flags.
title Gallery title Yosemite Hiking The title that is placed on the gallery. If no title is specified, "Photo Album" is used.
up link to referring album ../index.html Indicates the album that is referencing this gallery. If set, the path is used to find the album.xml file that refers to this gallery, and a link is added to the album to this gallery (if none already exists). If this directive is not present, no change is made to any referring album, and no link back from this gallery is generated (this is useful to create a private or orphaned gallery, inaccessible from the main album navigation).
include filenames day-{2,3}/img_2*.jpg A list of filenames (which may be wildcards) indicating the images to be included in this gallery. Multiple include lines may be used. If no include directives are present, the default include of *.jpg is used.
exclude filenames */img_234[5-7].jpg A list of filenames that are to be excluded from the gallery. Multiple exclude lines are allowed.
after file filenames img_1234.jpg other/*.jpg Insert the list of selected files after the file specified. This allows files to be placed in a particular order.
before file filenames img_4321.jpg other/*.jpg Similar to after except the files are placed immediately before the file selected.
rating 0 - 5 3 Selects images that have a XMP rating this value or higher. Images that have XMP Rating metadata or with rating values less than the selected value are excluded.
select 0 - 5 2 4 5 Selects images where the XMP rating matches one of the of rating values in the list. Only one of rating or select may be used, they are mutally exclusive.
download static,symlink Allow the original images to be downloaded via a link in the generated web pages. Also, unless nozip is set, create a file containing all of the photos in the gallery, and provide a link to download this zip file. No argument or symlink will use symlinks to the original. static will place a copy of the original image into the download directory.
nozip If set, do not generate a file for download.
sort date,name date name will sort the images by their filename. date will sort the images by date. The date used is extracted from the EXIF of the image, or the modification time if no EXIF date is available. By default the images are placed in the order they are included.
reverse If set, add the link to this gallery to the end of the list in the referring album; otherwise, the link to the gallery will be placed at the start of the album list. By default, album entries are considered to be newest first. By using reverse, newer entries are placed at the end. Typically this is done when processing a set of galleries that are associated together, and the processing is done in chronological order (with the album entries also put in chronological order).
caption file title img1234.jpg Nice flowers Use this title string for the caption on the image; any EXIF captions are ignored.
large If set, generate a larger image to be displayed for the image. Default image size is 1500 x 1200, large image size is 1800 x 1500.
nocaption If set, do not generate captions for the images.
thumb size 200 Set the width and height of the thumbnails generated to this value. The default is 160.


There are some runtime flags that may be used to control pweb. These can be displayed via pweb --help. The main ones are:

  • --force: Remove the gallery completely and rebuild it. This is useful when changing the thumbnail size etc.
  • --base: Used to set the web pages base directory (default /var/www/html/photos).
  • --assets: Directory containing template web files such as the album and gallery index.html files etc. These can be locally customised (default /usr/share/pweb).

Other flags exist for various diagnostic functions.

Initial installation

To install pweb:

  • Build and install the program via go build; sudo cp pweb /usr/local/bin
  • Copy the asset files to an appropriate location e.g
cp assets/*.xml assets/*.html /usr/share/pweb
cp assets/css/* /var/www/html/pweb
  • Build and install the WASM support and binaries (optionally, tinygo can be used - see below):
(cd wasm; GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o /var/www/html/pweb/pweb.wasm)
cp $(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js /var/www/html/pweb
  • The album-template.xml and gallery-template.xml files may be customised to add a copyright owner.

If image downloading with symlinks is configured, download links are generated as symlinks to the original files, and your web server must be configured to allow the following of the symlinks to access the file (e.g for apache2, Options FollowSymLinks must be set for the photos directory). If download is configured as static, a copy of the image is placed into the download directory, which is useful if the web site is going to be copied/synced to a separate server.


The WASM binary built with the standard Go compiler is quite large, over 8.5Mb. Tinygo can be used instead, reducing the size to under 400Kb. To build the wasm binary with tinygo:

(cd wasm; tinygo build -target wasm -no-debug -o /var/www/html/pweb/pweb.wasm)
cp $(tinygo env TINYGOROOT)/targets/wasm_exec.js /var/www/html/pweb

It is important that the appropriate wasm_exec.js file is installed for whichever compiler is used.