- Frameworks and Libraries:
- Jetpack Compose: Used for building declarative and reactive UI components.
- Hilt: Dependency injection for efficient service and data management.
- Room: Database management for local data persistence.
- DataStore: Storing user preferences such as selected cars and feature configurations.
- Flow: For reactive streams and managing state efficiently.
- Coroutines: Asynchronous programming and threading.
- Navigation Component: For seamless navigation between screens.
- Material3: For adopting modern Material Design principles.
The application follows Clean Architecture, ensuring separation of concerns, testability, and scalability.
Presentation Layer:
- Contains
classes and UI components built using Jetpack Compose. - Uses
to manage and observe state efficiently.
- Contains
Domain Layer:
- Includes
classes for encapsulating business logic. - Models defined here are agnostic of specific frameworks or libraries.
- Includes
Data Layer:
- Repository pattern to abstract data sources like Room and DataStore.
- Contains mappers to transform between domain models and entity models.
- Uses Room for database management and DataStore for user preferences.
Dependency Injection:
- Managed through Hilt with modules for Room, repositories, and managers.