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Grid Plotter

GUI to plot confirmed grids and states for 6-meters and Satellites.

Screen Shot Screen Shot

Installation under Linux:

  1. Uses python3
  2. Clone gitub grids, libs and data repositories
  3. Install packages needed for grids:
    • cd ~/Python/grids
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Make sure its executable:
    • chmod +x
  5. Set PYTHON PATH so os can find libraries:
    • Under tcsh: setenv PYTHONPATH $HOME/Python/libs
    • Under bash: export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/Python/libs"
  6. Bombs away:
    • ./

Installation under Mini-conda:

  1. Good video:

  2. Point browser to

  3. Download and install latest & greatest Mini-conda for your particular OS:

    • I used the bash installer for linux

    • As of July 2023: Conda 23.5.2 Python 3.11.3 released July 13, 2023

    • cd ~/Downloads

    • bash

    • Follow the prompts

    • If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, set the auto_activate_base parameter to false:

      conda config --set auto_activate_base false

    • To get it to work under tcsh:

      • bash
      • conda init tcsh
      • This creates ~/.tcshrc - move its contents to .cshrc if need be
      • relaunch tcsh and all should be fine!
      • Test with:
        • conda list
  4. Create a working enviroment for ham radio stuff:

    • Check which python version we have:

      • conda list
    • conda create --name aa2il python=3.11

    • To activate this environment, use:

      • conda activate aa2il
    • To deactivate an active environment, use:

      • conda deactivate
    • conda env list

    • conda activate aa2il

  5. Clone gitub grids, libs and data repositories:

  6. Install packages needed by grids:

    • conda activate aa2il
    • cd ~/Python/grids
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  7. Set PYTHON PATH so os can find libraries:

    • Under tcsh: setenv PYTHONPATH $HOME/Python/libs
    • Under bash: export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/Python/libs"
  8. To run grids, we need to specify python interpreter so it doesn't run in the default system environment:

    • cd ~/Python/grids
    • conda activate aa2il
    • python
  9. Known issues using this (as of July 2023):

    • None

Installation for Windoz:

  1. Best bet is to use mini-conda and follow the instructions above.
  2. If you want/need a windoz binary, email me and I'll put one together for you.


Grid square plotter








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