Pup-pals is a social media for puppy owners. It assists dog owners to create and join dog related meet-up events. the web app is built with NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, Socket.io, AWS-S3 and PostgreSQL.
All visitors can browse the event listings on the website and search for events using time range and location filter. They can also browse the profiles of other users and their attending events and dogs.
Logged-in users can create events, RSVP to events, cancel their attendances, or participate in the real-time message board of specific events. They can also update their personal statuses and upload picture onto the profiles of their dogs.
- Clone this repository, cd into each folder and install the dependencies(descibed at the end) individually.
- Follow the format of the
files presented in the folders and create a.env
file for each folder. - Run migrations and seed files.
To start the express server:
cd server
npm run start
To start the search-client server:
cd search-client
npm run webpack1
To start the chat-client server:
cd chat-client
npm run webpack2
To compile the style sheets, run the following commands, open main.scss in your code editor, and perform a save.
cd styles
npm run sass:dev
You are all set, open the web app on your browser: http://localhost:3000/
Dependencies for express server:
- aws-sdk
- express
- express-socket.io-session
- geocoder
- knex
- moment
- socket.io
- ejs
- fullcalendar
Dependencies for search client:
- axios
- babel-core
- babel-loader
- moment
- react
- react-dom
- react-google-maps
- react-moment
- webpack
Dependencies for chat client:
- babel-core
- babel-loader
- emoji-mart
- moment
- react
- react-dom
- react-moment
- socket.io-client
- webpack
Disclaimer: this project is meant for learning purpose and demo usage. Massive traffic from real usage could crash the server.