In this project, a fuzzy control system is implemented for an articulated system. It consists of a disc that moves along a track. The goal of the system is to control the speed of the disc so that it follows the track. The system's behavior is governed by a fuzzy controller that uses, as inputs, the error between the set point and actual measured positions, and the error rate (The speed is approximated mathematically by the derivative of the position.). The controller outputs then a control signal that is used to adjust the angle of the beam, which is controlled by a servo motor.
The system is composed of the following components:
- a disc that moves along a track;
- a beam that is controlled by a servo motor;
- an ultrasonic sensor that measures the position of the disc;
- a Raspberry Pi that serves as an acquisition board.
is used to implement the fuzzy controller.
The present project is inspired by the following reference:
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).