Go-Cloud-Run Public
Google Cloud Run sample with go
saas-manager-front Public
SaaS Manager est une application web open source conçue pour aider les entreprises à gérer leurs applications SaaS, leurs abonnements clients, et leurs finances de manière centralisée et efficace.
Vue UpdatedJan 17, 2025 -
event-hub Public
Application hybride de gestion d'annonces
Zlouk-ri Public
Web Application for projects, websites, and app names generation
Parkinson-s-Disease-Detection- Public
Forked from ASG0007/Parkinson-s-Disease-Detection-Analyzing Parkinson's disease detection from patient medical data utilizing Machine Learning algorithms such as SVM, GMM, Random Forest, KNN, and Modified KNN through accuracy comparison.
Python UpdatedApr 29, 2024 -
Heart_disease_prediction Public
Forked from Akshat180/Heart_disease_predictionThis project analyzes health data to predict heart disease. We explore, preprocess, and build ML models like KNN, SVM, Decision Trees, and Random Forest. Future plans include adding features, deplo…
heart-disease-project Public
Forked from mebestaca/heart-disease-projectThis notebook looks into using various Python-based machine learning and data science libraries in an attempt to build a machine learning model capable of predicting whether or not someone has a he…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 10, 2024 -
PierrePapierCiseau Public
Le Jeu Pierre Papier Ciseau implémenté en Python.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 1, 2023 -
Rasht Public
Rasht is a ChatBot written in Python using the Chatterbot lib. It has a web and Android version
i-bot Public
Un smart bot adapté à l'Institut Burkinabé des Arts et métiers (IBAM).
GestionDevoir Public
Application desktop de gestion de la programmation des devoirs
developer-portfolios Public
Forked from emmabostian/developer-portfoliosA list of developer portfolios for your inspiration
UpdatedSep 27, 2023 -
Covid19-twitter-analysis Public
Forked from Guz-Ali/Covid19-twitter-analysis3 phase project that trains a classifier for covid-19 twitter data. (Bag-of-words, SVM, Feature Engineering)
HTML UpdatedAug 16, 2023 -
leaf Public
Forked from lawgdev/leaf🍃 CLI service that helps users get up 'n running in no time.
lawg.py Public
Forked from lawgdev/lawg.py🐍 Lawg Python SDK
onepassword-operator Public
Forked from 1Password/onepassword-operatorThe 1Password Connect Kubernetes Operator provides the ability to integrate Kubernetes Secrets with 1Password. The operator also handles autorestarting deployments when 1Password items are updated.
shop-app Public
Forked from abdoutech19/shop-appA shopping mobile application made with react native for Android.
python-spanner-django Public
Forked from googleapis/python-spanner-djangoCloud Spanner database backend for Django
go-instagram Public
Forked from hieven/go-instagramInstagram private API in Go
awesome-python-projects Public
Forked from garimasingh128/awesome-python-projects📱 ✅ Some awesome projects in python! 📱 ✅
tweetic Public
Forked from zernonia/tweeticConvert Tweets to Static HTML
Frutcom Public
Forked from luisgustavofin/FrutcomDesenvolvimento de uma aplicação em React Native, com um intuito de um e-commerce para venda de frutas, com geração e compartilhamento de PDF.
a-dera.com Public
Forked from Fredkiss3/fredkiss.devMy personnal portfolio website