Scrapah is a ruby gem for web scraping and flexible content extraction. Scrapah takes your Hashes, regex, xpath's, css, and even Proc's, and turns them into neat results. Scrapah is heavily based on Nokogiri.
gem install Scrapah
# running in :headless requires xvfb to be installed on your system
# for details, see gem at
# > sudo apt-get install xvfb
Start a Scraper
require 'scrapah'
# use :headless to use a browser in background
s = :openuri
Tell Scrapah where to go
s.visit ''
You can pass in a regex
# ex. get my total contributions on github
p s.process /\b(\d*?) Total\b/
Scrapah will treat a string beginning with 'c|' as a CSS selector
# ex. get the title tag off a page
p s.process 'c|h1'
Scrapah will treat a string beginning with 'x|' as an XPath
# ex. get my popular repositories
p s.process 'x|//span[@class="repo"]/text()'
Scrapah will even take your Proc's
# ex. Extract all emails from a website
p s.process{|nokogiri_doc| Scrapah::Extract.emails nokogiri_doc}
The Magic: Pass in a Hash of stuff, get results
s.visit ''
profile =
profile[:name] ={|d| 'The Great '+d.xpath('x|//span[@class="vcard-username"]/text()').to_s}
profile[:total_contrib] = /\b(\d*?) Total\b/
profile[:join_date] = 'x|//span[@class="join-date"]/text()'
profile[:popular_repos] = 'x|//span[@class="repo"]/text()'
profile[:website] = 'x|//a[@class="url"]/text()'
p s.process(profile) # ^_^
Don't forget to stop Scrapah at the end =)
# setup
git clone
cd Scrapah
bundle install
# testing
cd test/
ruby test_all.rb
# to install gem locally
rake install
# Read the ToDo.txt
# Pull requests are welcome =)