Everest (formerly RESTaurant) is an resurrected REST API testing client written with JavaFX.
This project was Forked in 2024 from https://github.com/RohitAwate/Everest, at that point, the original Repo had been updated last in 2018.
spent a couple of hours upgrading the dependencies, and getting it running on Java17.
Because it uses JavaFX, which isn't included in the standard Java JDKs any longer, this project has a
wicked issue with how to bundle it up into a Mac App. One needs to include a copy of the JavaJX jars and dylibs,
so that it can be run. See the note below.
Use java17.
and then.. download JavaFX from Gluon? for apple silicon.
java -jar --module-path ~/Downloads/javafx-sdk-17.0.13/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml target/Everest-Alpha-1.4.jar
_Note the module-path of where you have a copy of the all the JavaFX libs, jars, etc downloaded for your OS.
Everest is written in Java. Thus, it is significantly lighter on resources and more responsive than its Electron-based alternatives like Postman. It aims to provide the same level of functionality in a lighter, native but equally slick package.
Aesthetic is very important. With a gorgeous, flat design, Everest is a pleasure to look at and to work with. It is also entirely theme-able.
I want you to want to use it!
Being a Java application, Everest is inherently cross-platform. It will run anywhere there's a JVM.
GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH requests. HEAD and OPTIONS coming soon.
- Add request headers.
- Append query parameters. (with live preview)
- Syntax highlighting for JSON and XML, powered by RichTextFX.
- Quickly add key-value pairs for URL-encoded and multipart-form bodies.
- HTTP status code, content type, elapsed time, body size.
- Visualizer to view JSON responses graphically. (Aesthetic improvements coming with Alpha 1.4)
- View response headers.
Making a GET request with Everest.
- Basic Auth
- Digest Auth
Everest is entirely theme-able via CSS. For more details, refer this guide.
Everest utilizes a technique called pseudo tab-switching to maintain a low memory footprint even when heavy multi-tabbing. I have written a highly technical piece about this on my dev.to.
Bonus: The '+' button for adding new tabs is finally live!
Everest maintains the history of all the requests made by you. You can search with any of the request's components: the target, the headers, the method, the body or even the files added to the request. Everest will intelligently rank the results based on their relevance.
Everest's search feature in action.
Everest uses Maven, so building from the source code is very simple. You need to have a minimum of JDK 17 installed, along with Maven and Git. You will need to install OpenJFX separately. Once you have everything set up, follow these simple steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ZipCodeCore/Everest.git
- Enter the repository:
cd Everest
- Build a binary:
mvn package
- Run the binary:
mvn exec:java
For JDK 10 and above: JavaFX has been decoupled from the JDK and will need to be installed separately.
got JavaFX from here https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
These were the futures. They can still be added by enthusiastic students. We can also re-factor the code, re-think some of the implementations.
- Everest will offer cloud synchronization of your projects powered by Summit. It will be available as a cloud service early next year or you may also choose to self-host it.
Everest will fully support both of the OAuth standards. Work on OAuth 2.0 is in progress right now and will be available with Alpha 1.4. OAuth 1.0 will follow next.
- This will be Everest's equivalent of Postman's Collection or Insomnia's Workspace.
- Will house named-requests.
- Will support environment variables. Every request can have its own.
- Can be exported/imported.
- Summit is the synchronization server for Everest.
- It will allow for synchronization of your Everest Projects across multiple devices and other members of your team.
- It will use a Node.js-powered RESTful API and Socket.IO.
- It will be available early next year as a service. You may also choose to self-host Summit.
This will allow developers to create extensions for Everest which can for example, sync to Google Drive, or visualize the response bodies in a certain fashion or summon Batman.
This local server can be used to quickly create a mock REST-ful service with the endpoints of your choice, producing the output of your choice.
Shortcut | Task |
Ctrl + T | New Tab |
Ctrl + W | Close tab |
Ctrl + H | Toggle History |
Ctrl + Enter | Send request |
Ctrl + L | Focus address bar |
Ctrl + M | Select HTTP method |
Ctrl + F | Focus history search bar |
Alt + P | Focus Query Params tab |
Alt + A | Focus Authentication tab |
Alt + H | Focus Headers tab |
Alt + B | Focus Body tab |
Everest is under active development and you can get the latest alpha build from Releases. Make sure you read the release notes to understand what works and what doesn't, how to report issues and how to run the binary.
Everest uses Maven, so building from the source code is very simple. You need to have a minimum of JDK 8 (9 should also work) installed, along with Maven and Git. If you're using OpenJDK, you will need to install OpenJFX separately. Once you have everything set up, follow these simple steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RohitAwate/Everest.git
- Enter the repository:
cd Everest
- Build a binary:
mvn package
- Run the binary:
mvn exec:java
For JDK 10 and above: JavaFX has been decoupled from the JDK and will need to be installed separately.
Everest is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
ZCW is planning to use this tool going forward, additions to be made by instuctors and students.
the Orignal work was done by https://github.com/RohitAwate/Everest