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Arturo Rodriguez edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

Test index:

  • Test 1: Preliminar geometry test

  • Test 2: 2D Torsion 1 variable per node. H section - Triangular Quadratic

  • Test 3: 2D Torsion 1 variable per node. Square section - Triangular Quadratic

  • Test 4: 2D Torsion 1 variable per node. Mesh from internet - Square Lineal

  • Test 5: 2D Torsion 1 variable per node. Creating and saving mesh - Triangular Quadratic

  • Test 6: 1D random differential equation 1 variable per node. Linear Quadratic

  • Test 7: GiD Mesh import test - Serendipity elements

  • Test 8: Plane Stress 2 variable per node. Plate in tension - Serendipity

  • Test 9: Plane Stress 2 variable per node. Simple Supported Beam - Serendipity

  • Test 10: Plane Stress 2 variable per node. Cantilever Beam - Triangular Quadratic

  • Test 11: Plane Stress 2 variable per node. Fixed-Fixed Beam - Serendipity

  • Test 12: Plane Strain 2 variable per node. Embankment from GiD - Serendipity

  • Test 13: Plane Strain 2 variable per node. Embankment - Triangular Quadratic

  • Test 14: Plane Stress 2 variable per node. Cantilever Beam - Serendipity

  • Test 15: Profile creation tool. Same as Test 14

  • Test 16: Non Local Plane Stress. [WIP]

  • Test 17: 1D Heat transfer.

  • Test 18: 2D border elements creation.

  • Test 19: Apply loads on segments. loadOnSegment method on Test 11

  • Test 20: Reddy's Example 11.7.1 Ed 3

  • Test 21: Test 20 with serendipity elements.

  • Test 22: Test 20 with refined mesh.

  • Test 23: Reddy's Problem 11.1 Ed 3 Plain Strain

  • Test 24: Test 23 with refined mesh

  • Test 25: Holes concept. With Test 24

  • Test 26: Fillets concept.

  • Test 27: Combination of Holes and Fillets, Plane Stress

  • Test 28: Fillets and Holes mesh files of Test 27

  • Test 29: Fillets and Holes in Test 13

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