I'm a software engineer based in Italy, ReactJS, Typescript, Kubernetes and AWS enthusiast, I love spending my time to learn new technologies and creating things, you see, the process of creating something even if it is just a little project makes me very excited and happy.
the app for keeping track of sums (Beta). Try it now- it is a project composed of 2 parts, the frontend is developed with NextJS while the backend is a Express server using OpenAPI for schema validation and documentation
- it uses AWS DynamoDB as data storage
- the stack is deployed on a multi-regional kubernetes cluster
- the entire process of CICD is managed on a kubernetes cluster using Gitlab as version control, Jenkins to build the docker images, Harbor as docker and helm registry, ArgoCD to deploy and manage the application infrastructure
- the application infrastructure is described with a helm chart
I learned how to create from scratch a kubernetes cluster (homelab), manage stateful applications by configuring a distributed storage with rook/cephfs and manage end-to-end flow of a project developed entirely on kubernetes
- generate random name with
. Try it now- it is a static website hosted on AWS S3 through AWS Cloudflare. The CICD is managed by AWS CodeBuild.
- the package is update automatically through github actions that build and publish it to NPM registry on specific git events
I learned how to manage and publish an NPM package and finally use it in a project
- a
brand new personal website
before the end this year, ya I know the current one is really old and uglyI learned how to create a simple website with NextJS and deploy it in the cloud (Vercel)
is the current greatest challenge, the ambition is to create an algorithm capable of managing the ACL as they should be. Something that can go beyond the current state of the art. It should be stateless, meaning that you can change an ACL without knowing the current state, be possible to do cross-ACL computations, has negative rules, support time-based rules
Searching teammate for a project? I'm happy to participate! Contact Me
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