Web application to share schedules with your friends
Install MariaDB / MySQL and run as root
Create user from credentials found in config.json
CREATE USER 'scheduleuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'somepass';
- Clone it
git clone https://github.com/ZervoTheProtogen/schedule-together.git
- CD Into server directory
cd ./schedule-together/server
- Install components and run server
npm install
npm run dev
- In a new terminal (or after sending server to background), cd to frontend
cd ../frontend
- Install components and run frontend
npm install
npm run dev
- Test it in your browser
Go to http://localhost:5173
- Add account and notifications menu
- Style the admin dashboard
- Add confirmation dialouge for user deletion
- Add function to extract schedule from schedule view
- Add db and backend for schedule
- Add schedule rendering to frontend
- Add UUIDs
- Add friends view
- Add friends entry to users db and backend
- Add other frontend stuff for friends
- Add ability to add friends
- Check available roles using db instead of constant
- Add permission system for roles
- Rewrite javascript stuff to typescript
And a lot of other stuff