=== General ===
FIXED: Illegal path characters when using relative paths in result-file comboboxes.
FIXED: Visual glitches from using certain fonts in Windows themes and from using High Contrast themes.
FIXED: In log boxes, selecting individual characters with the mouse often selects to end of words.
FIXED: Dragging a folder onto an Output textbox places its path into an assigned Input textbox.
FIXED: "Illegal characters in path" exception when clicking "Use in" buttons that access dropdowns containing unicode characters.
=== Set Up Games ===
UPDATED: Renamed Set Up Games Steam Library folders "Add" button to "Add Macro".
=== Download ===
ADDED: "Use in Unpack" button to Download tab.
FIXED: A copy of downloaded workshop item is left in the folder where Steam downloads it.
FIXED: Moving a downloaded SteamUGC workshop item between drives raises exception.
=== Unpack ===
ADDED: "Keep full path" option.
ADDED: Unpack Count column.
ADDED: Option to search for folder names.
ADDED: Allow Ctrl-A to select all items in package listing.
UPDATED: Default unpacking does not keep full path.
UPDATED: Change Unpack Output "Same folder" to "Same folder (as Package)".
UPDATED: Change "Package:" to "Packages:".
UPDATED: Folder and File sizes are for entire tree.
UPDATED: Shows files stored in missing VPKs as dimmed.
UPDATED: Show folders as dimmed when they have only dimmed files.
FIXED: Files stored in "_dir" VPK are not unpackable.
FIXED: Unpack button is disabled when package has only one file.
FIXED: Unable to drag-drop a GMA <addon.json> from Unpack listing to File Explorer.
FIXED: Unable to drag-drop from Unpack listing to File Explorer.
FIXED: Drag-dropping a folder from Unpack treeview creates the selected folder's contents but does not create the folder itself.
FIXED: Shows "root" in treeview when no package is open.
FIXED: Refreshing does not reset the file list combobox and buttons at bottom of Unpack tab.
FIXED: When a listview item is selected, the treeview item selection disappears.
=== Decompile ===
FIXED: MDL 10 - Decompile of some GoldSource model BMP files is incorrect due to incorrect aligning to 3 bytes instead of 4.
FIXED: MDL 10 - Can decompile with mixed case in QC, but should not.
FIXED: MDL 27-31 - Physics mesh is not decompiled.
FIXED: MDL 36, 37 - LOD mesh SMD files are not created on decompile.
FIXED: MDL 37 - Eyeball and iris textures are not decompiled.
FIXED: MDL 44-49 - Writes incorrect info to VTA files beyond the first one.
FIXED: MDL 44-49 - Missing triangles when some models are decompiled due to bad VTX reading.
=== Compile ===
UPDATED: DefineBones options.
FIXED: "Put in QC" option.
FIXED: DefineBones option affects compiling a GoldSource model, but it should not.
=== Publish ===
UPDATED: Quota box shows nothing for SteamUGC game and shows available bytes for RemoteStorage game.
UPDATED: Progress messages for Publish.
UPDATED: Process content before trying to publish a workshop item.
FIXED: Publishing an item sometimes does not finish the log or re-enable widgets.
FIXED: Publishing from a template does not disable widgets correctly.
FIXED: Deleting an item sometimes raises an exception.
FIXED: Unable to publish content to Black Mesa or Zombie Panic! Source.
FIXED: Parts of Publish tab do not re-enable after failing to publish due to invalid content folder or file.
FIXED: Save as Template does not save the content and preview image values.
FIXED: A search of items with no results shows an error message in the log, but it should not.
FIXED: Publish area sometimes freezes when uploading to a SteamUGC workshop.
=== Preview and View ===
FIXED: Width of "Override MDL version" combobox is too small to show text in new default font.
=== Pack ===
UPDATED: When packing to GMA, create addon.json from user inputs.
=== Options ===
FIXED: Options MDL View checkboxes are slightly covered by the Decompile checkbox.
=== About ===
ADDED: "SherlockHolmes9™" to Special Thanks section.
=== Update ===
FIXED: Crash getting Update info when TLS 1.2 protocol unavailable.
FIXED: Background color does not match the background color of the other tabs.
SHA1 of Crowbar_2020-12-05_0.71.7z: 680a89838fe816acca3f7bbe6fc48fdb089232e8
You can’t perform that action at this time.