Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps with markmap
This plugin is based on vim's coc-markmap, which I missed when moving to Neovim. If you wanna know more about mindmap check their website, docs and GitHub repository. This plugin is compatible with Linux, MacOS, Windows, and Android Termux.
- yarn
How to install using lazy.nvim
-- [markdown markmap]
build = "yarn global add markmap-cli",
cmd = { "MarkmapOpen", "MarkmapSave", "MarkmapWatch", "MarkmapWatchStop" },
opts = {
html_output = "/tmp/markmap.html", -- (default) Setting a empty string "" here means: [Current buffer path].html
hide_toolbar = false, -- (default)
grace_period = 3600000 -- (default) Stops markmap watch after 60 minutes. Set it to 0 to disable the grace_period.
config = function(_, opts) require("markmap").setup(opts) end
Markmap.nvim provide the next commands:
Command | Description |
:MarkmapOpen | Open markmap |
:MarkmapSave | Save markmap without opening it |
:MarkmapWatch | Open markmap and watch for changes |
:MarkmapWatchStop | The watch server ends automatically after a grace period, or when closing nvim. But it can also be stopped manually with this command. |
Note that all these commands will always generate a .html
file in html_output
. Take advantage of this if you want to keep the graph.
Run :healthcheck markmap
. This command will tell you the depencencies you are missing. If the command do not exist, it means you are using an async package manager, so double check the package is beign loaded. These are the most common issues you will find:
- Run
yarn global add markmap-cli
- Now try to run
If the executable is not found, that means you need to add yarn to your PATH. This is normally done in your .profile, bashrc, or zshrc file like this:
# PATH Example
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:\
If you prefer using npm over yarn, you can, but double check that you have the user space correctly configured as in some systems this is not enabled by default (see here).
If you are on windows, the process is the same. But the place to set PATH may change from one windows version to another.
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