Latest release is 0.0.9, available at npm using npm install telldus
Installation (From source):
Note that the master branch isn't always top notch. If it doesn't compile, try an older revision or install the stable release
- Install telldus-core and development libraries, choose one of the following four procedures.
- Windows, Mac: Install Telldus Center -- go here and get the latest version of the appropriate DMG or EXE file and install. Note: You'll need to check "Developer files" during install. You'll also need a version of Visual C++ installed.
- Linux Ubuntu/Debian prebuilt:
- Follow general guide at
- Install
- Arch Linux prebuilt:
- Install
- Install
- Linux source install:
- Clone this project and enter the node-telldus directory
cd node-telldus
- Install node-gyp
npm install node-gyp
- Compile this module
npm install -g
- Link the module to your project
cd yourprojectdirectory
npm link telldus
Installation (From npm):
- Install telldus-core and development libraries, choose one of the following four procedures.
- Windows, Mac: Install Telldus Center -- go here and get the latest version of the appropriate DMG or EXE file and install. Note: You'll need to check "Developer files" during install. You'll also need a version of Visual C++ installed.
- Linux Ubuntu/Debian prebuilt:
- Follow general guide at
- Install
- Arch Linux prebuilt:
- Install
- Install
- Linux source install:
- Install node-gyp
npm install node-gyp
- Install this module using npm
cd yourprojectdirectory
npm install telldus
Make sure telldusd is running on the same machine.
var telldus = require('telldus');
telldus.getDevices(function(err,devices) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
// A list of all configured devices is returned
If you ever get a returnValue from a method like turnOnSync that is not equal to 0 (TELLDUS_SUCCESS) you could check what type of error that is using telldus.getErrorString.
Returns an array of device dictionary objects. Only configured devices are returned.
Synchronous version: javascript var devices = telldus.getDevicesSync();
telldus.getDevices(function(err,devices) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
// The list of devices is returned
id: 1,
name: 'name from telldus.conf',
methods: [ 'TURNON', 'TURNOFF' ],
model: 'codeswitch',
type: 'DEVICE',
status: {status: 'OFF'}
Turns a configured device ON.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = turnOnSync(deviceId);
telldus.turnOn(deviceId,function(err) {
console.log('deviceId is now ON');
Similar to the command
tdtool --on deviceId
Turns a configured device OFF.
Synchronous version: var returnValue = turnOffSync(deviceId);
telldus.turnOff(deviceId,function(err) {
console.log('Device' + deviceId + ' is now OFF');
Similar to the command
tdtool --off deviceId
Dims a configured device to a certain level.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = dimSync(deviceId,level);
telldus.dim(deviceId, level,function(err) {
console.log('Device ' + deviceId + ' is now dimmed to level ' + level);
Add a listener for raw device events. This is usefull for scanning for devices not yet configured
var listener = telldus.addRawDeviceEventListener(function(controllerId, data) {
console.log('Raw device event: ' + data);
: id of receiving controller, can identify the TellStick if several exists in the
: A semicolon separated string with colon separated key / value pairs.
Add a listener for device events
var listener = telldus.addDeviceEventListener(function(deviceId, status) {
console.log('Device ' + deviceId + ' is now ' +;
: is an object of the form:
{"status": "the status"}
Add a listener for sensor events
var listener = telldus.addSensorEventListener(function(deviceId,protocol,model,type,value,timestamp) {
console.log('New sensor event received: ',deviceId,protocol,model,type,value,timestamp);
Remove a previously added listener.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = telldus.removeEventListenerSync(listener);
telldus.removeEventListener(listener,function(err) {});
Get the string representation of a return value
Synchronous version: javascript var errStr = telldus.getErrorStringSync(returnValue);
var returnValue = telldus.turnOnSync(deviceId);
if(returnValue > 0) {
telldus.getErrorString(returnValue, function (err, errStr) {
console.error('turnOn failed for device ' + deviceId + ', error: ' + errStr);
License and Credits:
This project is licensed under the MIT license and is forked from telldus-core-js ( by GitHub user evilmachina.
Bugs, issues and feature request:
The sourcecode and bug tracker is hosted on GitHub,