A Nx plugin that analyzes projects using SonarQube / SonarCloud.
To analyze project "app", we need to know the its dependencies and sub-dependencies. Using the Nx project graph, we see that this project has five dependencies, four static and one implicit. With this information, the plugin gathers the source and coverage paths for the analysis.
- apps/app/src
- libs/lib-b/src
- libs/lib-c/src
- libs/libs-d/src
- libs/libs-e/src
- libs/libs-f/src
lcov Paths:
- coverage/apps/app/lcov.info
- coverage/libs/lib-b/lcov.info
- coverage/libs/lib-c/lcov.info
- coverage/libs/libs-d/lcov.info
- coverage/libs/libs-e/lcov.info
- coverage/libs/libs-f/lcov.info
- Nx workspace
- SonarQube or Sonar Cloud instance
- Jest tests & code coverage enabled
- Install the package:
npm i -D @koliveira15/nx-sonarqube
- Execute the configuration generator to setup sonar for a given project:
npx nx g @koliveira15/nx-sonarqube:config
- Execute the sonar target for the given project:
npx nx sonar my-project
Note: Due to limitations with the scanner, you cannot run more than one scan in parallelnpx nx affected --target sonar --parallel 1
Sonar can require authentication credentials. You can set these via environment variables using Nrwl's Nx recipe
SONAR_LOGIN: The authentication token or login of a SonarQube user with either Execute Analysis permission on the project or Global Execute Analysis permission
SONAR_PASSWORD: If you're using an authentication token, leave this blank. If you're using a login, this is the password that goes with your SONAR_LOGIN username
Modify the executor options based on the configuration table below. These options are based on Analysis Parameters
Name | Required | Description | Default |
hostUrl | Yes | Sonar server URL | http://localhost:9000 |
projectKey | Yes | The project's unique key. Allowed characters are: letters, numbers, -, _, . and :, with at least one non-digit. | |
branches | No | Include branch name in analysis | false |
exclusions | No | Files to exclude from coverage | |
organization | No | Sonar organization | |
projectName | No | Name of the project that will be displayed on the web interface | |
projectVersion | No | The project version | |
qualityGate | No | Forces the analysis step to poll the SonarQube instance and wait for the Quality Gate status | true |
qualityGateTimeout | No | Sets the number of seconds that the scanner should wait for a report to be processed | 300 |
skipImplicitDeps | No | Skips adding implicit dependencies to the project graph analysis | false |
testInclusions | No | Comma-delimited list of test file path patterns to be included in analysis. When set, only test files matching the paths set here will be included in analysis | **/*.spec.ts |
verbose | No | Add more detail to both client and server-side analysis logs | false |