"All work and no play makes johnny a dull boy"
Page with endless paragraphs of text, based on The Shining
notes: √ periods only in paragraphs of text
√ add typos √ multiple letters: mmakes, pllay, plaay, Alll √ mixed type case: PLay, and NO play, JACa √ missing letters: ma es √ missing space: dullboy, noplay √ replace letters: dyll, bog, bot √ other: ply
random letters out of the grid √ "v All work.."
add color variance
requires span tags ink on paper, in the film A and J seem to have been smashed on the keyboard so they have a darker color, like more ink was applied
mixed leading inline and
requires span tags √ block level "makes" where the "a" is above the baseline
different layouts
sets the "context" main: centered text for lines of text full spread for bodies of text mess with margins, make them inconsistent to make people uneasy
requires tags:
- inline leading variance color variance
√ control the rate at which "randomness" occurs