HTTP/2.0 with Katana
Please note following:
- Be aware this code is released as a prototype and it currently handles only basic static files.
- This code should only be used for interoperability testing.
- This prototype supports header compression (draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-05), and HTTP/2.0 (draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-09) features such as stream multiplexing, and negotiation mechanisms such as ALPN and HTTP upgrade, as well as the ability to establish direct HTTP/2.0 connections.
- Apart from the server component, this prototype also includes a test command line client that makes HTTP/2.0 protocol requests to the server.
- The following endpoints can be used for testing but will only work with an HTTP/2.0-enabled browser or HTTP/2.0 client (included in this source):
- If these endpoints are hit with a non-HTTP/2.0 browser or client, the connection will timeout.
- Please open a bug in the repo if you encounter any issues with this code or the endpoints
- An enhanced implementation is under development that can be used to host ‘real’ web sites.
Build and deployment instructions:
- Build Http2.Katana solution
- Navigate to Drop folder
- In Drop folder you can start Http2.Owin.StaticFiles.Sample.exe or Http2.Owin.WebApi.Sample.exe to run server as console app
- Alternatively you can install server as service using Microsoft.Http2.Owin.Service.exe as service executable For example: sc create http2Service displayname= "http2Service" binpath= "\Microsoft.Http2.Owin.Service.exe"
- You can use Http2.Owin.StaticFiles.Sample.exe.config/Http2.Owin.WebApi.Sample.exe.config to configure console server or Microsoft.Http2.Owin.Service.exe.config to configure service
- Configuration options description: useSecurePort: true or false secureAddress: address for https server that uses ALPN unsecureAddress: address for http server that uses UPGRADE handshakeOptions: avaliable options are 'handshake' and 'no-handshake'. This option allows to enable or disable handshake (Handshake is always enabled for now) prioritiesOptions: avaliable options are 'priorities' and 'no-priorities'. This option allows to turn stream priorities on or off (Priorities are always enabled for now) flowcontrolOptions: avaliable options are 'flowcontrol' and 'no-flowcontrol'. This option allows to turn flow control on or off (FlowControl is always enabled for now) securePort: http server port unsecurePort: https server port