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allow to change the logging configuration for running production website from the admin interface.

all you need to do is :

  1. create a logging config [Config model] from a use friendly form
  2. create a timelaps [Trigger model] in which your config is valid (from start_date to end_date, or forever)
  3. enjoy your logging, since you saved the trigger, the app will do the stuff to run it now if it's already valide, or at the date/time you enabled it

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the old way was :

you found a bug, and the current stacktrace is not enough ? first, you should change the settings LOGGING to make it more verbose (with something like LEVEL: 'DEBUG')

but, the bad thing, is that you must: 1. connect to your production server 2. change the settings in live 3. make sure no synthax error 4. restart the service (with downtime) 5. do not forget to rollback after some time to prevent performance issues.


with django-dynamic-logging, you can update at runtime the logging configuration, including :

  • update handlers levels and filter, but nothing else (for security purpose)
  • create/delete/update loggers. this include the level, handlers, filters and propagate flag.

may logging configuration can exists in the database, but only one can be active. the leatest trigger (start_date) take precedence and will activate his config.

ie: you want to set the app «myproject.import» in debug mode to for this night: you set the trigger, and it will enable the debug only for this night. at day, the default logging config will run





  1. Install using pip:

    pip install django-dynamic-logging

  2. Alternatively, you can install download or clone this repo and call

    pip install -e ..


the supported versions is the same as current django

  • python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5
  • django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10

configuration in sources

  1. add dynamic_logging to your INSTALLED_APPS

and that's all

configuration for running system

  1. go to your admin, and create a Config
  2. create the Trigger that will enable it whenever you want.

propagation of new config

each time a config or trigger is updated/deleted/created, the dynamic_logging system must recalculate the new config. but to work, it must be aware of the fact the something was updated. to make it available, there is 3 possibility. in mono-processing, where the logging config is global to all thread, it's not a issues, but in multi-process (like with gunicorn setup) or even multi-server, we must propagate the info that one running instance has just changed something in the config.

for doing this, there is 4 Propagator shiped with dynamic_logging:

  • ThreadSignalPropagator: the default one, it work in real-time in a mono-server, mono-process setup. it may not be possible in real production to have this setup.
  • DummyPropagator: nothing happen whene a config is updated. all the triggers and next trigger application is computed only at startup time
  • TimerPropagator: it check a modification in the config each interval seconds. this work, but is ineficient.
  • AmqpPropagator: the best choice for production, but it require a running Amqp message queue broker (tested upon RabbitMQ). it take in config the url of the server, and will connect each running instance to it. each time an instance update the config, all instance will be triggered and will reload theire config in near realtime.

the on_error config can be used to raise if the propagator fail tu setup or pass``[default] but log an error in ``dynamic_logging.apps

to change the propagator, you can use the folowing settings:

    "upgrade_propagator": {'class': "dynamic_logging.propagator.AmqpPropagator",
                           'config': {'url': 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2F'},
                           'on_error': 'raise',  # or by default : 'pass'

specials cases

django-dynamic-logging handle some specials cases for you by default.

  • if you update a config or a trigger it will compute the current config and the next one on all running instance of your website (see propagation)
  • if you enable the DEBUG (or lesser) level on django.db.backends, it will change the settings of your databases connection to make sure the CursorDebugWrapper is used and will call the debug for all query. if not, you will not see any query by default.

you can override or add some special cases by adding your own special cases in dynamic_logging.signals.AutoSignalsHandler.extra_signals.


you can add into your settings a DYNAMIC_LOGGING dict with the folowing key to customise the dynamic logger behavior

  • signals_auto: the list of special logging handlers. currently only db_debug is enabled
  • config_upgrade_propagator: the class that is charged to trigger a scheduler reload for all running instances of the website. see propagation

what's next ?

some of the next feature can be:

  • live logging browser (via websocket)
  • push/pull configuration from/to othes servers (via amqp)