This is the Yellow Java SDK. This simple SDK contains couple of functions that makes it easy to integrate with the Yellow API. To get started just:
git clone yellow-sdk-java
cd yellow-sdk-java
mvn install
To create invoice, create map with the invoice data then pass it to the createInvoice
import co.yellowpay.sdk.YellowSDK;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String apiKey = "<enter your api key>";
String apiSecret = "<enter your api secret>";
YellowSDK yellowSDK = new YellowSDK(apiKey, apiSecret);
//create invoice
Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<>();
payload.put("base_price", "1");
payload.put("base_ccy", "USD");
payload.put("callback", "https://yourdomain.local/sdk/sample/ipn.php");
payload.put("type", "cart");
You should see something similar to the following in your terminal:
"address":"1A58yrV7fF2LfQdcyCrCWpMpXABFSZM2HF", # Invoice Address
"expiration":"2015-04-24T02:25:43.588Z", # Each invoice expires after 10 minutes of creation
"id":"JNRWCN8CM7F2395J8B879K5AZV", # Invoice ID (to query the invoice later if you need to!)
"status": "new", # Status of the invoice. Other values are "authorizing" for unconfirmed transactions, and "paid" for confirmed transactions
To query an invoice that you created, just pass in the invoice_id
to the checkInvoiceStatus
String invoiceId = "<enter your invoice id>";
To validate the IPN you can use the following snippet on your IPN page/controller. See here for one example of how to extract the url, signature, nonce and body from a request.
String url = "<enter your callback url>";
String signature = "<enter signature>";
String nonce = "<enter nonce>";
String body = "<enter body>";
boolean isVerified = yellowSDK.verifyIPN(url, signature, nonce, body)
More information can be found in the online documentation at