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GNINA Knowledge Distillation

This is the repository for the paper "Condensing Molecular Docking CNNs via Knowledge Distillation". Where knowledge distillation (KD) is used to condense the pose ranking power of ensembles of CNN models into a single model. We use the CNN models from GNINA, an open-source docking tool modeling protein and ligand as grids in 3D space using libmolgrid and using CNN as the scoring function.

Ensemble KD transfers the knowledge learned by multiple teacher models to a single student model by minimizing the discrepancy between the outputs of the teachers and the student. Here, the objective is to leverage ensemble knowledge distillation to condense knowledge from the finetuned ensemble model used in GNINA into a single model, resulting in shorter running times while maintaining or improving performance compared to a single scoring function model.

KD pipeline


The pipeline is implemented in Python 3.9 and PyTorch.

Some packages are required:

  • torch
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • molgrid

GNINA should be installed following their official guide for benchmarking purposes.


Training data of the models can be found here.

Knowledge Distillation Pipeline

Model Conversion

GNINA originally uses caffemodel for CNN training. To adapt it to Pytorch Knowledge distillation, the GNINA teacher model should firstly be converted to .pt from .caffemodel format. This conversion used the implementation here. The converted models are also provided under /model.

Running Knowledge Distillation

User arguments are defined as:

--teacher_models  a list of input teacher models from GNINA
--output          output address
--save_epoch      the number of epoch periods to save models
--student_arch    student model architecture to distill to, options are ["Default2018", "Dense"]

--trligte         training ligand molcache file
--trrecte         training receptor molcache file
--trainfile       training sample list
--reduced_test    subset of testing sample list for validation
--teligte         testing ligand molcache file
--terecte         testing receptor molcache file
--testfile        testing sample list

--binary_rep      if use a binary representation of the atoms, default=False
--lr              learning rate, default=0.001
--dropout, -d     dropout rate, default=0
--weight_decay    weight decay for SGD optimier, default=0.001
--T               temperature for softmax function, default=1
--clip            gradient clip, default=10
--epochs          number of epochs, default=10000
--batch_size      batch size, default=50

--step_when       lr decreases if validation loss doesn't decrease after 1000 * step_when iterations
--step_end_cnt    total times for lr decreasing
--use_weight      load a model weight file

--job_name        name of the job shown in the wandb, default=None if no wandb will be used
--project         name of the project in wandb
--user            user name of the wandb

Files needed to train different types of model:

Model Train lig Train rec Train file Test lig Test rec Test file Validation File
General_Default2018 gen2_docked_uff_lig.molcache2 gen2_docked_uff_rec.molcache2 stratify_gen_uff_train0.types test_lig.molcache2 test_rec.molcache2 test.types gen_uff_train0.types
Redock_Default2018 crossdock2020_1.3_lig.molcache2 crossdock2020_1.3_rec.molcache2 stratify_it2_redocked_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types test_lig.molcache2 test_rec.molcache2 test.types reduced_it2_redocked_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types
Crossdock_Default2019 crossdock2020_1.3_lig.molcache2 crossdock2020_1.3_rec.molcache2 stratify_it2_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types test_lig.molcache2 test_rec.molcache2 test.types reduced_it2_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types
Dense crossdock2020_1.3_lig.molcache2 crossdock2020_1.3_rec.molcache2 stratify_it2_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types test_lig.molcache2 test_rec.molcache2 test.types reduced_it2_tt_v1.3_completeset_train0.types

Example command for distilling General_Default2018 models into a single Default2018 model:

python script/ --teacher_models --trligte gen2_docked_uff_lig.molcache2 --trrecte gen2_docked_uff_rec.molcache2 --trainfile stratify_gen_uff_train0.types --teligte soup_validation_lig.molcache2 --terecte soup_validation_rec.molcache2 --testfile soup_validation.types --reduced_test gen_uff_train0.types --student_arch Default2018 --step_when 88 --step_end_cnt 4 --output /user/GNINA_KD

Benchmark the distillation using GNINA


The benchmark is performed on two tasks: Redocking and Crossdocking.

Both filtered datasets can be downloaded from here. Only the crossdocked_ds_data.tar.gz and redocking_all_data.tar.gz files are needed to be downloaded and extracted.

Benchmark Pipeline

  1. Model conversion To evaluate the distilled .pt model using GNINA, we first need to convert it back to .caffemodel using the following command:


python script/ -I *.pt -O *.caffemodel -A default2018/dense
  1. Run GNINA Then, we need to run GNINA for all the docking tests using the distilled model.

For Redocking data, use commands like

gnina -r PDBbind_refined_2019/5IHH/5IHH_PRO.pdb.gz -l PDBbind_refined_2019/5IHH/5IHH_LIG.sdf.gz --autobox_ligand PDBbind_refined_2019/5IHH/5IHH_LIG.sdf.gz --cnn_scoring rescore --cpu 1 --seed 420 --out PDBbind_refined_2019/5IHH/5IHH_SUFFIX.sdf.gz --cnn_weights MODEL.caffemodel --cnn_model default2018.model

For Crossdocking data, use commands like

gnina -r wierbowski_cd/AOFB/2C64_PRO.pdb -l wierbowski_cd/AOFB/2XFN_LIG_aligned.sdf --autobox_ligand wierbowski_cd/AOFB/2C64_LIG_aligned.sdf --cnn_scoring rescore --cpu 1 --seed 420 --out wierbowski_cd/AOFB/2C64_PRO_2XFN_LIG_SUFFIX.sdf.gz --cnn_weights MODEL.caffemodel --cnn_model default2018.model

Users should change SUFFIX in the --out and --cnn_weights for specific distilled models. Besides, --cnn_model should be changed based on whether the distilled model is Default2018 or Dense architecture.

Two examples .txt files are provided, which should contain the GNINA commands for all the samples. These .txt files are also required for further steps.

  1. Collect the docking performance Run the following commands to automatically get the performance of all docking jobs:
python script/ --input *.txt --dirname PDBbind_refined_2019/ --getscores

where --input should be replaced with the actual .txt file used in the previous step and --dirname should use corresponding datasets (PDBbind_refined_2019/ or wierbowski_cd/)

  1. Generate CSV format file For Redocking task, use
python script/ --dirlist rd_dirs.txt --suffix SUFFIX --dataroot PDBbind_refined_2019 --outfilename Redocking.csv --getscores

For Crossdocking task, use

python script/ --dirlist cd_dirs.txt --suffix SUFFIX --dataroot wierbowski_cd --outfilename Crossdocking.csv --getscores

SUFFIX is what we used in step 2.

  1. Evaluate the performance To get the Top1 performance on Redocking:
python script/ --input folder --output Redocking_Top1.csv

To get the Top1 performance on Crossdocking:

python script/ --input folder --output Crossdocking_Top1.csv


Knowledge distillation pipeline for GNINA






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